Chapter 35

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She carelessly kneaded her hair into a messy braid and threw it in the back of her abaya. While rummaging through her closet for a black scarf, the neatly stacked clothes fell in a heap near her feet. She impatiently picked the pile and tried pushing in the closet, tightly securing the mess from one hand and quickly shutting the door from the other to stop it from tumbling out again. She hastily picked both her phones and shoved them into her blue sling bag while clumsily stepping into matching square pumps, she almost flew out of her room and across the living room. 

She heard her mom call her to have some breakfast, but with a breathless Salam, she was out of earshot and into the elevator. 

This was the second time in a row that Moutasim had called her in on the job so early in the morning, that too urgently.

Panting, she spotted her red Chevrolet Spark and fished for the keys in her pockets. 

"Yikes!" She wailed, pausing at the entrance of her building to decide whether to run back home for the keys or just catch a taxi. Before turning down to either of the options, a white SUV screeched in front of her. 


She quickly peeked through the windshield of the otherwise black tinted window car and sighed with relief. Just the driver, no monster

Just as she hopped in, her phone rang. 

Ah! Why not?

"Thought of the devil, didn't you?" 

His voice broke through the phone pressed to her ear and she could sense the sarcasm shooting right through, "I'm not surprised since you're ruining every morning for me! What is it today?" She scowled. 

"I never said it was an easy job."

"Well, you never gave me a choice." 

"Ahan. It wasn't like I had a gun to your throat to accept it." 

"It was even worse."

"Really? Mind elaborating, please?"

She had accepted this job just to return his favours he had been doing all these years. He had saved her life countlessly. What else could she do, but help him in the name of gratitude?

"Forget it! Start the agenda for today. "

"Alright, but first let me remind you, Miss Riya Jahangiri or would you like it as Mrs Khan?  You aren't in the line of duty here. It's me who is so, please, I'm not in the habit to be ordered around." He could imagine her face flustering. 

"I rather not be addressed as Khan."

"Exactly what I thought. I don't want my name attached to your's."

Her heart sank at that, despaired, she eyed the screen that displayed his name. She hung up the call. 

Later, she received a text from him: 

"Drake is going to give you a USB drive, carefully install its contents in your office's main computer hub."

She replied, "And would you care to explain, exactly how I'd do it?" 

"I don't know. The job is your's to do." 

She gritted her teeth. It wasn't possibly the best idea to take up this job. She was an agent of NIB plus, a cog for the arrogant jerk. That was a complete package for her to go coo-coo in the next few hours with the murder case to work on as well. 

Riya entered the stark empty office, the guards and janitors unlocked the doors way before nine to make sure everything is in place before another hustling day started. She guessed that the cleaners must be on the top floor, so she ought to do the job as quick as she could. She tiptoed around through the small work cubicles for a while to see if anyone was lurking behind, not wanting to keep up with one more road to ruin like the one before, that night when stupidity had no heights and she decided to become a spy. 

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