Chapter 20

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The shore was an exquisite bed of sand, shimmering under the warm sun, lapping the serene ocean. The waves rolled in with a soothing sound, back and forth from the gritty brim and hit the beach with little force. The unending grains of golden sand, the glittering blue waters and layers of green on the hilly cliffs, the seagulls wheeled overhead in the far-off flaring hues of the horizon, rising and falling low over the sea to prey on fish; the Zakynthos island was awe-strikingly beautiful.

Upon the sand was a small boat, it's wooden boards warped, dark and wavy, it bobbed slightly as the small waves crashed against it. In it, she lay senseless, with her hands tied up and her mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth.

The thick salty air whipped at her cheeks and consumed her breath, some dust scouring the back of her throat, mercilessly. Her chest tightened and ached, but she kept breathing for air. Unconscious, she shivered terribly, her eyes only able to see darkness which surrounded her mind. She whimpered as intense pain seared in her head, curling up in a ball, she suffered every minute that passed by. Waves of heat coursed through her veins, cold sweat glistened on her forehead as she tried to open her eyes; her weak senses not letting her to.

Then, a violent jerk to the boat had her eyes flung open widely, streaks of sharp sunlight hit her and she closed them back in a second. Her limbs flexed in shock as they weren't movable; they were tightly pulled and tied around her waist, her feet were secured to something which pained her ankles.

It felt like her brain would swell beyond the capacity of her skull, she raised her heavy eyelids halfway only for them to fall shut.

There was a jerk again, followed by a voice, " Get her inside! The countdown begins."


The watch on his wrist beeped as Moutasim jumped off a wall. He paused to glance at it, it was a message; a terrifying message. He quickly diverted his direction and threw himself forward with great speed as time was running out. His lungs and heart were pumping, but the air didn't seem to be enough as he swung forward, panic trembling in his exhausted self. He had to run, for all it took, he just had to keep moving his feet.

After some forty minutes, he wiped the sweat on his forehead when a beach came in the view, his long legs broke and collapsed beneath him on the loose soft, sand, his breath came in small squirts, hot and anxious. Through his cloudy vision, he observed some thatched huts standing among the tall, looming palm trees.

He kicked open the doors to all the huts, having to hear shouts and curses for intruding privacies. With long strides and a heavy heart, he pushed opened the door to the last hut.

"Marhaba," came a sarcastic greeting from the corner of the room.

The voice was familiar. It was so familiar that it felt acid to his ears. He cringed and paused, without giving any thought about what the outcome could be, he lurched forward to punch the man's face when some guys held him back and handcuffed him.

Panther sat in all his highness, crossing his leg over the other, he moved back in the chair and taunted with a smug smile, "Getting very repulsive, aren't we?"

A growl escaped his throat and he bellowed violently, "If you even think about doing something to her, I will rip you away, dog!"

He threw his head back and gave out a demon's laugh. Looking at his face watchfully, he signalled to one of his idle men and continued to search for anger, rage or even revenge, but all that was evident on Moutasim's face for fear. He was relentlessly kicking and pushing harshly to let go of himself, with the fear of losing someone, losing her, trying to totter away from their grip, but they held him tight.

Divulging Remorse ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ