I probably sound like a total idiot or a completely insane but those are the things that come to mind when I think of her. Which is why I don't just have a crush on her. I'm too far gone.

Well now that I just pulled my heart out of my chest and put it in this notebook, I'm going to stop talking before I make a bigger fool of myself.

In a while crocodile,

Long Winded and Red Faced.

P.S I like talking to you too.

I have been staring at this letter for so long. What I would give to have some talk about me with such open honesty. With such open love.

Whoever this was clearly liked this girl more than a crush and there is no doubt that whoever my mystery writer is talking about likes them back. How could you not like a person who is clearly so passionate? It was beyond me.

Just reading the writer describe their person made my heart thud in my chest with longing to have someone look at me and think their world was clearer with me just being in it.

I'll admit this person was such a Casanova and I was liking it a little too much. Whoever this person was, they were lucky to be loved by the writer. Lucky, indeed. Regardless if the writer knew they were in love or not.

I tried to think of what to say but what do you say when someone lays their heart out for you to dissect.

When I finally got the words in my head and when my pen finally connected with the paper, mom suddenly poked her head into the room.

I quickly shoved the notebook under my pillow not wanting my mom to see it. You try explaining that you talk to a stranger every other day about your emotional issues. I rather not.

I grabbed my phone in an attempt to look casual. " I thought I'd check in with you." My mother said walking into the room. She looked so different these days, much more lively then she did before. I knew it was because of Waylen though I couldn't help but cringe when I thought them as a couple.

I loved the fact that my mother had someone to take care of her or at least someone who seemed to like her. She seemed so much lighter as she moved about my room randomly picking up strewn clothes and tossing them into my hamper. Though nervously she lingered at my desk, shifting items into random places to reduce the clutter.

" We hadn't spoken about you seeing your father." My mother said quietly. I knew she had known about his ambush and I wasn't sure I was ready to talk about it.

Seeing him opened the healing wound that was inside me. I realized that for me it was never about the money. My mother and I had found a way to take care of ourselves. It stopped being about the money for a long time.

I was about just wanting to be his daughter. If only that had been enough for him. I always wanted to be enough.

Maybe if I was, maybe he would have at least gotten to know me and my siblings.

I couldn't bring myself to look at my mother expecting grey eyes. She watched me waiting for me to say something, anything. " I don't know what to say."

" Say that he was good to you. Say that you aren't angry or hurt." My mother nudged me to scoot over moving onto the bed next to me stretching her long limbs across the length of my bed. She held out her arms expectantly waiting for me to crawl into her arms like she used to do was a child whenever I was feeling really upset. I had half mind to feel really embarrassed but at the same time, I could really use a hug from my mother.

I crawled next to her lying my head down on her chest. As I fell into her embrace I could feel my throat constricting and tears welling in my eyes. " I'm okay I think," I said unconvincingly, wiping at my ears trying to stop the tears. " He wants to get to know me he says." I finished with a bitter laugh.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now