I ruin Emma's Date With Steve

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"I'm gonna be the waiter" Nico said with a smile.

"So can I make the desert?" I can excitedly.


"Double yes!" I threw my fist into the air. Will chuckled. Will stopped at looked at me instead of talking and working.

"Wait, wait, wait. What are you making?"

"Ummmm... ice cream sundaes!" I cheered. Nico nodded and licked his lips. I think he wanted some ice cream too. Will went back to making the pasta. I grinned. I went to the cupboard and opened it to get five good none transparent glasses. I got the ice cream, chocolate and strawberry syrup, cherries, and rainbow sprinkles. What they didn't see though was that I got wasabi, ghost peppers, and pickle juice. When I got the sprinkles out, I put them above Solangelo and sprinkled some in their hair. Nico chased me all around the kitchen and tackled me. Will pulled him off and made me get back to work. Nico stuck his tongue out at me and I did it right back.

I scooped the ice cream into the five cups, what? I wanted some too. I put wasabi with cut ghost peppers, and some drizzled pickle juice into Steve's glass. Everyone else got mint ice cream so that they all looked the same.

I finished the ice cream and wasabi mix and put it in the freezer, letting it sit. I sat down and began to watch Will make the spaghetti. As you guessed, I got bored fast.

"Willllllll, I'm borrrrrrrred" I whined, leaning over the counter. He rolled his eyes but continued to scoop the noodles and sauce onto two plates.

"We aren't gonna get any?" Nico asked with a pout.

"We'll get some pizza or something" Will said with a shrug. He walked out of the kitchen and Nico frowned.

"Will?" He quickly followed him. I jumped up and rushed over to the food. I looked between the two and looked into the dining room to see where Steve and Emma sat. Steve sat on the left with Emma on the right. I grinned and turned back to the pasta, staring into the microwave. I had an evil grin on my face and a glint of evil in my eyes. Even I would be afraid. I picked up some sliced onion and diced it a little smaller before sprinkling it into the noodles.

I rushed back to the spot I was just in and made myself look more bored than I was before. Will and Nico came in about 30 seconds later. Nico cleared his throat and straightened his jacket. Will cleared his throat and stuffed his hands in his pockets. I smirked.

"Where did you too go?" I asked and  I was put my elbow on the counter, resting my chin in my hand. Nico rolled his eyes.

"We went to go check on our stuff. We are with the Norse god of mischief so Will wanted to be sure" Nico said gruffly.

"Suurrrre" I smirked. Will blushed lightly and Nico rolled his eyes.

"We should get this to Emma and Steve before it gets cold" Will said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah" Nico said a little to fast. I pursed my lips, trying not to smirk then, then I remembered that I didn't care. I smirked and Nico glared at me. Nico grabbed the spaghetti and went into the dining room. I leaned against one side of the entrance to the dining room and Will stood by the other. I smirked and gently nudged him with my elbow. He looked and me and I wiggled my eyebrows. He blushed slightly and I chuckled before leaving him alone.

I turned back to the couple to see Nico put the spaghetti down in front of them just the way I wanted him to. I kept a straight face as I crossed my arms over my chest. Nico came and stood in between us. We watched Emma and Steve before they noticed us. Emma glared at me and I smirked. I waved and she pursed her lips. Will tried to pull Nico away to give them some privacy but he swatted his hands away.

Niece of Stark, Sister of Percy (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن