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Emma Pov

We played a full game of bowling and it was no surprise that Nico won. He smirked and Percy rolled his eyes.

"Not only am I the Ghost King, I'm the King of Bowling" He bragged. I laughed.

"Good game, Nico" I said and clapped him on the back. He smiled at me. I grimaced when I thought about my ankle again.

"Will, you should probably put that bandage thing on my ankle so that I don't just look like I healed magically" I said unhappily. He chuckled and I took off my shoe and sock. He wrapped it around my ankle and part of my heel. I carefully put my sock and shoe back on before clearing my throat. "Jarvis, could you call everybody down here, please.

Steve was the first one in. He looked at us confused before he looked at my foot and his eyes became the size of saucers. The rest came in right after and looked to my foot too.

"Are you okay?" Clint asked stepping forward.

"Yeah. I wanted to ask if you guys wanted to play some bowling" I said jabbing a thumb over my shoulder at the perfectly aligned pins.

"That's what you called us down here for?" Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow. I nodded.

"Let's bowl!" Clint said and grabbed a bowling ball with an arrow on it. I smirked. Pietro shrugged and grabbed a silvery blue ball. Steve, Tony, Natasha, and Bruce stood there waiting for an explanation while the others went to grab a bowling ball with a symbol for them and/or colors that represent them.

"Where did all these bowling balls come from? They all have something to do with you guys" I said looking at Loki's with his helmet plastered on it.

"You earn them, Lady Emma, in a battle of Bowling" Thor said holding up up his proudly with Mjǫllnir on it. I smiled.

"How are you standing on your ankle?" Bruce asked stepping forward and crouching to look at my foot. I pulled it back behind my other foot and rubbed it behind my calf.

"Turns out my ankle wasn't broken" I said looking down at my ankle and setting it on the floor again. "Will here has been my doctor for a long while and it felt a little weird for anyone except Will to be my doctor" I patted Will on the back.

"Well," Bruce said standing back up. "if you're that uncomfortable with me then-"

"No! It's not that at all! I'll just have to get use to it" I assured him. He pursed his lips but nodded.

"How are you feeling?" Steve asked me, putting an arm around my shoulders. Tony walked by us and picked Steve's hand up, lifting it off my shoulders and putting it by his side.

"Hands off, Capsicle" Tony said, grabbing his own red and yellow bowling ball with a picture of his glowing robotic heart on the side. I smiled apologetically at Steve before nodding and walking to everyone else.

"Now, let's bowl" I said and grabbed my bowling ball.


We had played in pairs so I played with Percy. We won, just barely beating Clint and Natasha. Percy and I grinned at each other and high-fived.

"So did we earn our cool bowling balls?" Percy asked excitedly. Tony rolled his eyes but nodded.

"What do you want on your Bowling Balls?" he asked. I thought about it for a moment.

"I want mine to be water." Tony raised his eyebrows at Percy. "Like the ocean." Everyone looked at him funny. "I like the ocean and I think it makes a good representation." I rolled my eyes. He liked trying to use big words like Annabeth.

"Emma?" Tony asked turning to me. I thought about it for a moment.

"This shell" I said, holding up the shell on my chain. Tony moved closer and gently took the small item in his hand.

"I can do that" He said turning it over and letting it drop to my collar bone. I smiled.

"Thanks, Uncle Tony." He nodded and walked out of the room. The others started to go too.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Steve said coming up next to me and kissing my cheek. I smiled, a blush brushing my cheeks. After they all left, Will and Nico rushed over to me and started to bombard me with questions.

"What was that?" Will asked.

"When did this start?" Nico said.

"I thought you two were just friends!" Will exclaimed.

"And dam." Nico said with an impressed look. Will looked at him with wide eyes. "What? He's hot."

I pushed his shoulder playfully, my blush deepening. "To answer your questions; that was a kiss, it started uh I think a few days ago, we were just friends until he asked me out and yes that is my dam." I looked at Percy and we chuckled. Dam. Pfft.

"Any other questions?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Will asked, looking hurt.

"I meant to! We were a little busy. What am I saying? That's no excuse" I rubbed my temples. "I'm sorry, guys."

"Did you even tell Percy?" Nico asked.

"Well I didn't tell him but he knew." Percy frowned.

"How'd you-?"

"I heard you outside my bedroom door, brother" I said, imitating Thor's voice. Percy snorted.

"Yeah, well, we both know that I'm not quiet" He said with a shrug.

"No, shit Sherlock" I said, rolled my eyes. He chuckled. I looked back to Solangelo. ;)  "I'm sorry, guys. I should have told you guys sooner."

"You better do it right away next time" Nico said and gave me a hug. I hugged him back but looked to Will when he pulled away.

"Will, I'm sorry. I promise that I'll tell you about everything and I'll do it as soon as I can next time" I begged, biting my lip. Will sighed and pulled me into a tight hug.

"You better" He said and hugged me a little tighter. I nodded and pulled away.

"I will, Will" I said with a smile. Nico rolled his eyes and Will chuckled.

Steve jogged back into the room and up to me.

"Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have dinner tonight." He looked at Nico and Will. "But we can tomorrow is that's okay?"

"Why would I skip dinner?" I asked. "I can't just wait for breakfast the next day." Nico snorted and Will shook his head. "I'd love to have dinner with you, tonight though." Steve smiled.

"But you can't leave the tower" Nico said.

"We can have dinner here" I said with a shrug.

"We can make dinner!" Will said with a grin and an evil look in his eye.

"Will, I don't think-"

"Great idea!" Percy piped up and slung an arm around his shoulders. I groaned. Steve chuckled.

"I'm in" Nico said smugly.

"Sounds good" Steve said and I stared at him.

"It's settled then!" Percy said with a smirk. "We'll make you guys dinner, tonight." I sighed and gave up.

"Okay, but you guys can't just order pizza." Percy rolled his eyes.

"We won't."

"Okay, see you later" Steve waved and jogged out.

This is NOT going to end well.

Hello, my peeps! I'm sorry it took me forever to publish this! Homework and volleyball were holding me back. My volleyball season is done though. Special thanks to solangelo1846 for helping me! Go follow solangelo1846 because they're AMAZING! I love them. Anyway, I'll see you later my lovelies! Have a wonderful day! Or night... or afternoon-whatever! Byeeeeeee!


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