Who'll Win?

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Emma's Pov (I love Chris Evans.)

I grabbed Pietro's wrist and knocked his sword out his hand with my own. He groaned and walked over to his sword and picked it up. Just about all the Avengers had come to watch us train.

"Nice job, Emma." My uncle Tony said, clapping slowly as he walked up to us.

"Thank you." I said with a smile. "You're doing well, Pietro. You're learning." He nodded.

"I've got an idea!" Bruce's excited voice rang through the training room. I jumped and Percy flinched. The rest laughed or chuckled. "Wait a second." Bruce said and he walked through the door a few seconds later. "I've got an awesome idea!" 

"Well, come on then, spill!" Clint said, crossing his arms.

"You guys totally need to do a two team wipe out!" He said, clasping his hands together excitedly. 

"I know I should know because we're smart buddies but I really don't know." Tony said raising an eyebrow. 

"I mean you should split into two teams and go against each other. You could even do it for a reward or whatever." I saw Percy's and Thor's eyes light up. 

"I don't know." Wanda said. I looked to her.

"What do you mean it sounds freaking awesome! Bruce you really are a genius." He smiled.

"I know." Percy and I laughed.

"What would you win though?" Natasha asked.

"Slaves." Tony said and everyone stared at him. "That's not what I meant. What I meant was that whoever wins has to be a slave for the other person. So ahead of time Bruce will choose who will serve who. He'll even write it on a piece of paper of paper beforehand." Bruce nodded.

"Sounds cool. But only if I get to pick who's on whose team and I ref." I nodded.

"Sounds fair." Everyone nodded and Bruce instructed us to stand in line facing him. He got a notepad and a pen and wrote a bunch of things down before clearing his throat. 

"Okay. So I've immediately decided Percy and Emma are on different teams." Percy and I groaned and walked to opposite sides of Bruce. "Tony is on Percy's team." Bruce said pointing. Tony walked over to Percy and high fived. Seriously, I'm right here. "Thor's on Emma's team." I smiled and gave Thor a hug as he came over. "Vision is on Percy's team." Percy and Vision exchanged a nod as he walked-er-floated over to their side. "Clint's on Emma's team." I grinned as Clint walked over and gave me a very enthusiastic fist bump. 

Percy narrowed his eyes. "Natasha's on Percy's team." Natasha and Percy smirked and exchanged flutter fingers or whatever you wanna call it. I crossed my arms. Was he trying to beat me at invitations? Oh he's going down! "Wanda's on Emma's team." I gave Wanda a foot five as she walked past me. Didn't see that coming did you? "Pietro's on Percy's team." Pietro jogged over and gave Percy a chest bump. I rolled my eyes. "Steve's on Emma's team." I felt heat rise on my cheeks and saw Percy smirk. When Steve walked over though to beat Percy I pecked his cheek. Quite a few Avengers were surprised. Cough Tony Cough. Steve's eyes widen but he smiled sheepishly and stood next to me.

"Uh um, anyway Bucky's on Percy's team." Bucky walked over and didn't say a word to Percy and didn't do a greeting. I smiled proudly. I had won. BOOM! "And last Loki is on Emma's team." When Loki came over, just to prove I won, I took my fist and bumped it on the top of Loki's then the bottom then a normal fist bump. We stood there for a moment before I spoke up.

"Bruce, the rules."

"Right. Powers are aloud but you cannot fire missiles, summon lightning, or use your speed to win in seconds time." Pietro pouted at Bruce's words. "If a player falls over, falls, or their rear hits the ground that player is out. Their team will still be in but they will just have a disadvantage." I could see my uncle Tony eying Steve like he was prey. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed his cheek. "The point of the game is basically last person standing." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Any questions?" I thought for a moment. I don't think so.

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