"You're Such A Slut"

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Chapter Five

Chapter Five

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Rose's POV

I was nearly done with my art project when the bell for class rang.

Goodness. So close to being done yet so far away. I smiled at my own little joke. Or at least it was a joke to me.

I stood up, putting the tile away as I turn my head a bit to the right to see Nathan walking over towards me with a huge smile.

I wonder why he was so happy. I mean, after all Kyle seems to be in love with me... Have he noticed and broke up with him?

No, no. He's still wearing the promise ring. God, it looks like such a knock off ring. Amazing how Nathan hasn't noticed yet.

"Guess what!" Nathan said, almost sounding like he was fangirling.


"I just met the biggest ass guy EVER. And he's so damn cute, too!!" Nathan screamed a bit, us both putting our hands together screaming lightly.

I giggles afterwards, "That's great for you." I smiled, then it soon left after I remember Kyle, "What about Kyle?"


"Your boyfriend, silly."

"Oh yeah, he shouldn't mind if we just talk!"

"Sure." I laughed.

"Well, gotta get going. Mother picking me up. Talk to you later, gurlll." He gave a small hug then went walking off.

I followed him out the door, happily. I went into the bathroom before going to the lunchroom to meet up with Ms.Long.

I felt like I had something on my face, and I was right. There was some red paint on my cheek. I laughed a bit, Nathan most likely didn't see it from all his happiness and joy.

I start whipping it off my face, humming along to a old song Ms.Long taught me.

Once I was all done, I looked up to my left side to see Kyle was standing there, smiling. I jumped like a foot in the air, him laughing.

"K-Kyle, what are you doing here?!" I half screamed, turning around, backing up into the sink.

He grabbed my hand, staring at me with these eyes filled with naughty thoughts. Oh god, not again. I tried to pull away, but he over powered me, picking me up and sitting myself on the sink, pushing up against the wall.

"He-" I was about to scream, but Kyle covered my mouth, smirking.

"Don't worry, just lay back and take it all in." He whispered in my ear.

I screamed in his hand, just sounding like mush, as I started kicking my legs to try to get to freedom.

But he soon put his hands down on my legs making them unable to move, so I started hitting him with my hands, but that didn't keep him from makingout with me.

Tears started rolling down my face as I kept hitting for my life. Soon my legs felt num from the way he was pushing down on them.

So what he did was grabbing both my arms with one hand, putting his other hand up my shirt, feeling my breasts.

He pulled away from my lips, whispering, "Now this is better than having to fuck a dude for money. Your best friend Nathan wasn't even good at it. Unlike you, Rose."

I was about to scream when he shocked me with his words, "Ohhhh, no no no. If anyone was to find out about this, your best friend would be heart broken. So, keep this all to yourself, unless you want to hurt the only friend you got."

He backed away from me, going towards the door, then saying out load, "You're such a slut." Then walked off laughing.

I started crying, covering my face. I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate it!! Why would I be put into all this crap?! Why, what have I done?! Nothing, that's it!!

Nathan's POV

I was lying in bed, wide awake.

I just couldn't hardly sleep.

I always have nights like this, I just can't go to sleep, there's too much running through my head to sleep.

Usually Kyle is here, sleeping with me, and that would help a lot, but he's not tonight.

I haven't heard from him all night, I wonder what he's doing?

Suddenly, I heard something tapping on my window.

What the hell?

I got up, and went to the window, opening it.

Outside, I saw Kyle, rocks in his hand.

I sighed, this boy.

I ran out of my room, down the stairs and outside, running into Kyle's arms.

"Hey baby." He said, kissing my cheek.

"Hi.• I smiled.

His face turned dark, and he frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, running my hand through his hair.

"I have to tell you something. I don't want to, but I have to." He said.

"What is it?" I asked, starting to get nervous.

"Rose...she tried to make a move on me." He said.

I stared at him, blankly.


"You're kidding." I said.

He shook his head slowly.

I knew he was serious.

"Well what did you do?" I asked, almost yelled.

"I pushed her off. Told her I love you too much to ever cheat." He said.

I hugged him tightly, kissing him.

I knew it, I knew he'd never cheat.

But how could Rose?

"How fucking dare she?" I raged.

Kyle shrugged.

"I'm her only damn friend, and she fucks me over like this?" I yelled, kicking the ground.

Kyle pulled me next to him, tightly.

"Calm down, baby."

I sighed, shaking a bit.

"Ok." I smiled at him.

"Are you parents home?" He asked.

I shook my head, they were on some business trip.

I smirked at me.

"How about we take this up to the bedroom and you can release a little bit of anger." He said.

I nodded, and he grabbed my hand, rubbing up to the bedroom.

Twenty minutes later, Kyle was laying in bed with me, looking triumphant.

"You were great, baby." He smirked.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Even though we just had amazing sex, I was still mad at Rose.

I have to have a little talk with her tomorrow.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to...




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