Messed Up Love

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Chapter Three

Chapter Three

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Rose's POV

I get up, and get dressed. I then go over to my window, sitting beside it, looking out as the rain went down, faster and faster. Harder and harder.

I shiver at my words... My father had screamed them at me. I then felt some tears then go down my face.

I heard my phone go off. It being a text from Nathan.

Who else could it be?

It's our usual time for lunch, he must be wanting to talk to me, but I'm not in the mood for talking. Not while I can still hurt him.

My phone kept going on for five minutes. Nathan... Please, just stop. I don't want no one to get hurt.

I covered my face softly crying.

Nathan's POV

I was walking to the bus lanes, hand in hand with Kyle.

We lived in the same neighborhood, so of course we rode the same bus.

I may be holding his hand, but I'm still mad as hell about how he treated Rose.

I just couldn't believe it!

How could he say something like that about her?

Until he apologized, I wasn't going to show him much love.

We got on the bus, and sat next to each as usual.

I looked over and saw that one kid, that Rose ran into in the hall, sitting near the back of the bus.

What was his name again?

I couldn't for the life of me remember, but I know he's in one of my classes.

I think he's a new kid.

He looked kinda cute.

Damn is it raining like hell. It kinda tells me Rose's mood for today. God, I wish she would talk to me. It was so unlike her. I texted her like ten times during lunch. She has never ONCE missed one of my text. It was so weird.

Also seeing her father. He seems so much older than what Rose has told me. More creepy and jumpy, too. He's pretty ugly, too. Rose must have all of her mother's looks.

"Baby, please talk to me!" Kyle whined, snapping me out of my thoughts and staring.

"Not until you apologize." I said, not looking at him.

"Baby." He said, in a dark voice.

I looked over, and saw that look in his eyes...

Damn, this was hard.

He pulled me close and kissed me, and I tried to resist, but I just couldn't.

His lips, they felt so good on mine.

He started kissing down my neck, and I moaned slightly, as he smirked.

"There's my boo bear." He smirked.

Damn him, he wasn't playing fair!

Rose's POV

A few hours have passed by, and I'm still scared to get out of my room, in fear my father might jump me downstairs.

"Rose!" Our maid, Sandy, called for me, "A friend of yours is here."


"Coming." I yelled back.

My father can't do anything with him here.

I walked downstairs, hair in an messy pony tail, no makeup at all, normal shirt with some ripped up jeans. The look I wished I went to at school, but my father or maids always look me over, making sure I look my best. This look made me feel free, like my real self. Not just this richy-bitchy everyone calls me.

I stop at one of the steps, looking up and seeing it's Kyle.

What is he doing here to richy-bitchy's house?

"Hey, Rose." He said, smiling a bit.

I walked all the way down, and to him, "Yes, Kyle?" I asked, raising one eyebrow at him.

"Nathan told me to say sorry to you about the name and my sister," He said, looking down a bit, "So... Sorry."

That was the saddest sorry I have ever heard. But it must be hard saying sorry for thinking you've done nothing.

"It's fine..." I said, fast, about to close the door in his face, but he stops it.

"Wait.." He said slowly, coming inside.

"What?" I said slowly.

He came closer to me, putting an hand on my shoulder, grabbing it softly.

"You look really... Nice.." He said slowly, looking into my eyes as if he's about to fall asleep.

I pulled away from him fast, "Thanks," I said fast, "now if you don't mind but to get out of my house." I snapped at him.

His face grew sour, "Bitch." He hissed, walking out of the house.

I closed the door, locking it.

I covered my face, as I shook my head.

Not only is my father raping me, butt best friend's true love is wanting to fuck me. I can't tell him what happened. He's most likely going to believe Kyle no matter what.

Why is this happening to me?

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