The Beginning

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"I can't do it, it's too hard," Bash said as she stood in her room staring at a music box that sat on her vanity.

"C'mon Bash, you can do it, you just have to focus," Michael said as he stood beside her. Bash had a nervous look on her face as she continued to stand in her spot, rapidly shaking. Noticing how fearful she was, Michael gently placed his hands on her shoulders attempting to calm her down. "Bashie it's okay. Just clear your mind and focus," He said softly.

"But- But- I-" Bash managed to stumble out before being cut off by Michael.

"But nothing! Stop doubting yourself, you can do this. All you have to do is focus," he said in a loud whisper.

Still unconvinced by her friend's encouraging attempts, Bash continues to stand there staring at the box appearing to be a bit nervous. He moved from where he was standing and stood in front of her, looking into her eyes preparing to speak.

"Listen to me Bash, you can do this. I need you to focus and believe in yourself. Just close your eyes and count to ten, clear your mind." He encouraged. "You can do this, I believe in you. Trust me, okay?" Bash continues to look Michael in his eyes as she nods her head with confidence before a smile appears on her face. "Whatttt? A smile?" Michael teases playfully while laughing.

Bash laughs and playfully rolls her eyes, "You are so annoying, but I'm ready. I wanna try it again." She said confidently and Michael pretends to be shocked as he looks at her with his eyes widened.

"Alright, I believe in you, let's do this," he says before walking back to his previous spot behind her. He places his hands back on her shoulders before saying something to her. "I want you to focus on your target. Close your eyes and count to ten before you start. Your mind has to be clear of everything and whenever you're ready, go for it," he said before removing his hands from her shoulders.

Bash briefly nods her head before closing her eyes and counting to ten loud enough for her and Michael to hear. "Okay, I'm ready," she beamed.

"Focus on absolutely nothing but the box, that's the only thing that matters. You got this," he said before taking a step back.

Bash stared at the box that sat on her vanity until that was the only thing she focused on. While keeping her eyes on the box, she slowly raised her hands in the air causing the box to move at the same pace.

"That's it Nala, you got it! Now make it come to you, but gently! You have to take your time," Caleb said watching his friend in amazement as she did what he told her.

She carefully moved her hands in her direction as the box followed her lead. As the box got closer to her, her hands began to shake uncontrollably and she started to lose both strength and control of the box.

A shocked look appeared on Michael's face as he realized what was happening. "Bash move out of the way!" He quickly pushes her out of the way as the box misses them and hits the wall, breaking in pieces.

She had a confused look on her face as she looked around trying to figure out what went wrong. "But- I- I did everything right, my hands started shaking out of nowhere. I don't know what went wrong," she said looking at her hands, shaken up by what happened.

Michael gently grabbed her hands but before he was able to speak, the two heard footsteps quickly approaching. Both Michael and Bash looked at the door with fear written all over their faces. Shortly after, the door was forcefully opened and in walks Bash's mother.

"Sebastian, what is going on in here?" she asked looking at her daughter with a concerned and stressful look.

"Nothing mom, we were just playing and I accidentally knocked over my music box," she said hoping her mother would believe her.

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