chapter 18

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being a super hero's has its perks but at the same time doesnt. i mean me and barry have been back and forth with star labs and ccpd... 

but i guess we have been lucky. we did get most the people affected by the particle accelerator only a few left now... but the man in yellow hasnt shown up to me in ages but he hasnt shown up to barry.... i got up of my bed and saw a text from caitlin. it was a new picture of her and Ronnie. i smiled. i got up took a shower and got changed. 

i went over to barrys house

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i went over to barrys house. thats when he came out. "oh hello..just who i wanted..." he gave me a kiss and went off. "where we going?" "joe's...he wants us..." we went there and well barry ran to get pizza. 

"oh pizza..." eddie went. i looked at barry and shook my head.

eddie know who the flash was now. everyone apart from iris knows. well she knew mine right away. 

"me and cisco are going back to the day wells was acting different..." i may have told joe about this and barry but both never saw the man in yellow... "and you need us..." i spoke aloud. "eddie...can you fill for me at ccpd..." joe went cisco turned to me and caitlin. "y/n caitlin can you say something for me if wells asks.." i nodded "you want me to lie to him.." "only till they get back..." she ran out the door. "caitlin..." cisco went. "shes in....we'll talk to her... " barry looked at me. i smiled. they went of and i grabbed a bit of pizza. "are you hungry...." "yes...i didnt eat...i was going to with you...." i said after a ate the piece in my mouth. " need to eat then..." "so do you..." i pouted. he went into the kitchen. "doesnt like me she says..." "huh?" i turned to eddie with a drink in his hand. "i remember someone saying barry didnt like her..." "i never told you that..." "iris did...." "oh..." "dont worry i haven't told her about barry...." "ok good because i would of killed you if did..." i took a bit of my pizza. he rolled his eyes and went to joe. i finished my pizza and barry came back. "sorry...couldnt help but over hear that..." "over hear what..." i sat down in the chair. "you thinking that i didnt like you but you went to iris..." "um....sorry..." "no dont me before i noticed i had feelings for you i went to my dad...he made me realize that i did like you" "like me..." "you know what i mean..." he pulled me next to him. "continue eating.." he smiled. i grabbed a piece. and ate it. "we're going to get going other wise we will be a longer than we want..." joe said. i mumbled a ok because there was pizza in my mouth. "ok joe. we'll talk to caitlin once someone has eaten..." "im....hungry....." "continue..." he smiled. "aright. take care you two...." he closed the door. barry started to kiss my neck gently but not to bad because i was eating.. "leave me alone..." "why?" "um..i dont know..." "maybe cause im still here..." eddie said for me. "yes that why" i then ate another bit of pizza. "well...what ever you where doing you can continue because i need to go see iris..." "thanks eddie..." "you own me..." eddie left and i ate my pizza and barry then started to kiss me. "now no one is here..." "so..." i acted too innocent "oh come on..." i shrugged. he smiled and ate pizza with me. 

we finished the pizza and then went to star labs we saw caitlin. "hey...." " cait can i please talk to you..." "y/ not going to.. " "please...just for a bit...just till we know...because if wells is who me and joe think...." "if...y/n if.." "i know if...if hes not....then ill take it all back....ok.." "hello have any of your three seen cisco today...?" "hes helping Dante with something he might need some time off" i looked at caitlin. "ok..." wells then left the cortex. "thank you.." me and barry said together. "this wasnt as bad as you two keeping it hidden that you where together...from me..." "Sorry...." i said. "it was my idea to keep it quiet.. we where going to say...but then...i thought if you know....i would have to be even more protective of her...sorry..." "why more protective.... " "in case someone hacked into our ear pieces and heard you say that she went down and they found out that we care...a lot about each other...." "barry....there going to know because...if she gets hit your going to go to her and not after them...." "Well...." he shrugged. "how about we try finding something to do..." we where really trying to find something to do. We found a robbery and so we got it easily. I took a breath. "Today is going to be really slow...."  

it was now really late in the day. " should go home now.. "wells came out..." "i just want to be ready.... " "go home...before i get mr allen to take you..." "fine..." i knew he ignored my other words. i got up and went to ccpd. i saw barry at his desk. "barry...." he looked up and smiled. "hey..." i went over and pulled my chair along. "i swear everyone in this place wants me dead..." "why..." "i've been running around doing a lot. i mean someone died today by a gun was easy to notice but....why they called me to the other side of town...i have no idea" "barry....come finished ages ago... " "i fell asleep..." "come on..." we ran home and we went to mine this time. "it makes a difference that we use your apartment and not mine.." "i know..." we walked in. and saw the man in yellow... he turned and saw us. i stood there frozen. barry ran to catch him. but he stopped because i was in front of him. in the mans arms. "dont try it flash...or she gets it..." i took shaky breaths. "let her go" "catch me then flash... " he started to run holding on to me. he stopped in the stadium. i knew how to faze now so i fazed out of his arms. barry stopped in front of us. i ran to him once i was out of the mans arms. "y/n.... why?...why my life..." "because...flash...." "cant you just stop" he yelled. "i cant....we will be doing this for a long time flash...not so much you streak..." i was confused."what are you on about...." "you will see..." he ran off. barry looked at me. "hey...y/n..." "what was he on about...." he raped his arms around me. "i dont know...but im not letting anything happen to you...he will fight both of us for a long time... " i nodded i took a breath snuggling into his chest. "come taking us home... " then im of the ground again and we are at the apartment "thanks barry" i sighed. "im gonna get ready for bed....." "ok......go get ready ill be back in a bit..." i nodded and went up to my room and got changed. i got changed and went down to make some food. i made dinner and barry came in with clothes and in his pjs.  "people think i was going to a party in pjs...jeez..." "i are kinda having a sleepover..." i put the food on the table and he sat down... "but with my girlfriend..." i smiled. "anyway...lets eat..." i smiled and we ate our food and went to bed. 

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