chapter 14

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Barrys P.O.V
"Did she come here?" "Yes...I sent her away" "oliver....." "what felicity...he doesn't want to talk to her..." "no...I do...just not the way she was it wasn't her..." "yes it was barry" "you don't know her like i do" "i might not...but I know her well enough to say she loves you a dearly to come all the way out here to find you...." "she ran...I took me ten seconds to get here...." "barry...I understand what she means....y/n i think really loves you...." "she doesn't...." "check again my friend....she came to find you....I think you should run back to her before you lose her" i looked at oliver and remember all the times she was there for me. I left the place and went to a jewels for some reason. I looked around and saw a golden necklace it was plain. Oliver came in. "Next check if im following" "i knew you were" i shrugged "gonna get her something...." "a sorry gift..if she'll take it" "I'll get it for you " "no...I'll get it cause i wont be able to pay you back..." "don't need to" i went to the desk. "How many I help you" "do you do Ingraveings on plain necklaces...." "yes..." "can you do one for me" "yes" "how much would it be" " depends are you getting a new necklace or....using a different one...." i remembered the one she wears but doesn't at the same time.... "using a different's in my car" "can you get it" i nodded i went out and ran to her house went in got the necklace and went back i came back and waited but the door for a mintue. I bought in and put it down. "What do you want on it." "The fastestman alive..." "i can do that today actually...." i looked at oliver. "What time will it be done..." "6 ish" he nodded. "We will be back then..." the man nodded and went to do it.
"Now time to waste..."

We trained till six we went back around 6 10 we went in and the man had just come out with it. "Here we are" he handed it over and oliver paid for me.
We went out. "Oh yeah...before I forget. I had someone make this...." he handed me a lighting bolt. "To put on the necklace...."  "how and when" "when you where out looking i asked a friend to make it and I guessed you where getting a necklace so he made it for me..." "thanks..." i out it on the necklace. "Go find her barry" i nodded and put the necklace in my pocket and ran home.
I got back and went stair to star labs. I saw Y/n. "Hey guys..." y/n saw me and got up to leave. I stopped her. "The person I wanted" i took her into another room.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier....I was mad...but I did get a gift to say sorry"
Your P.O.V
He handed me a necklace we the lighting bolt on. I turned the necklace around

"Baz" "i really am sorry" "baz

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"Baz" "i really am sorry" "baz....thanks....also it this my necklace?" "Well you don't wear i to show you how much I love you" my heart dropped. "As more then a friend...." he put it on me and then turned me around and gave me a kiss. He broke the kiss "sort i didnt see it earlier....but I really do love you and I just need to clear my mind before I go running after a girl....and take a step back and realize how much I do look at you...and how badly I got jealous when max kissed you.....I guess I got my feeling for n you and iris mix up" "shut up you big idiot..." i gave him another kiss this time he didn't brake it.  I had to since I heard cisco.  "Y/N BARRY!" I rolled my eyes "come on" i pulled him along. he punched me playfully. i pouted and he laughed. "sorry...did i hurt you?" i shook my head and laughed. we went into the cortex.  "whats up cisco...." "i think we need a day off or a night...i mean you've been running around all day...and you've be somewhere..." "hey!" "anyway. night out at the bar what do you say?" i didnt know. "well i dont have much planed so im in..." Caitlin agreed we me. "barry..." he looked at me. "sure...." i smiled. "well then...." it was pretty late in the day so we all went home for a bit  i got changed i put on a dress and put tights on... and grabbed my coat.

i looked at the time so i went to the labs

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i looked at the time so i went to the labs. i saw barry and then Caitlin turned up with cisco in one of the vans.

"you look the way.." barry said. " good too..." they came over we got into the van and went to the bar. we got there we went in and me and cait got a table while the boys got the drink they came back and barry gave me mine and he sat next to me. "are you two on good terms now..." i nodded. "maybe...." i drink a bit of my drink. normally i could feel the kick of the drink on the first sip... i looked at the drink and then shook it off. we all finished out drink and cisco and cait got the next set. " it me or was the drink not that strong...?" "no it wasnt...." i was so confused they came back with shots. a few of them. me and barry took them they looked at me and barry who weren't affected. "well....this is fun..." i pouted. barry got up and we got few drinks we put them down and then put a lot of shots in front of both of us. "i have a feeling we cant get drunk..." "yay..." we had all the shots and nothing... i sat back.  "well..." cisco and Caitlin looked at us. "im sorry... " "it ok...just the affects of the lighting..." i sighed. i put my head on the table.... i took a breath... "looks like we are driving then..."

we stayed for a bit and Caitlin was super pissed of her mind. i rolled my eyes and took her to the van and cisco came out with barry... he looked at me and smirked shaking his head. i smiled. i put caitlin in the back and then barry did the same with cisco. we took them home and left the van at the labs.. we ran home and we stopped out side my flat... "come on..." barry picked me up and ran into his own flat. we sat on the couch. "really...barry..." "what...i can finally say i've got the girl i wanted..." i shook my head. "i want to at least take time to see how much i missed...or what...i love about you..." i looked away. "come on...dont be shy..." "dont be shy he says..." i cuddled into him. "it kinda does suck to not be able to get drunk...." "i know..."  he kissed the top of my head... we sat there and watched the something on the tv and then went to bed.

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