chapter 2

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Ciscos P.O.V
"Dr Wells turn that off" he turned it off. "Sir where is y/n..." "with Barry Allen.....why" "i think she's hurt...."
I phone iris "hey iris your dad there...?" "Yeah why?" "Let's just say...y/n phoned me about Barry and before she said anything about it she was silent and she's in Barrys lab with him i was hoping your dad knew where his lab is..." "yeah he does....I'll tell him...."
"So..." "she'll tell Mr west that there hurt or something...all we can do is wait..."

~~8 months later...~~
I = you not me i was just to lazy to put you in case you thought it was me...but anyway baii

Your P.O.V
I open your eyes to bright lights....i close them again and cover my eyes with my hands "guys she's awake..." i heard a familiar voice "cisco...?" I pushed myself up of the bed "hey take it just woke up from a be careful" catilyn walked in with Dr Wells behind her....and Mr west behind them...i thought iris was with them...but she wasn't....thank god... "oh...I thought you meant both..
" "i didnt know Barry was a she" i sassed "and she's back....we missed the sass around here" "i knew it she worked here..." "you don't tell Barry...." "if he wakes up..." "he's not like he'll die...well he's know him....he wont" i had a little smile "someone is in love" "hes my best friend since kinder garden..." "longer than iris has known him" "can you leave..." i blinked...he left the room "bye bye" you wove... "we have missed the sass around here..." i smiled.
I got off the bed and started to walk... "be careful..." "im fine cisco..." i looked at Barry... "i hope he is ok..." "y/n...we need to make sure your can you follow catilyn and Cisco...." "sure thing Mr wells" you walked behind cisco and too the lab that you've been in once since you worked there.
"Sit down in the chair please..." i sat down in the chair
Catilyn came out with a nidle. My eyes widened. "Scared of nidles still" "hehe....yeh...guess I am" "it won't hurt much..." i nodded and looked away as she put the nidle in my skin to get blood "ok done..." she turned to get a band aid (plaster) sorry I'm for grays so we say plaster not band aid... 😅
She accidently hit the first aid kit of the desk. And then she stoped moving.... I looked around and the box was about to hit the floor. I grabbed the box and put it back on the table and sat back down. "Y/n....was that you" "well i saw it falling down so I picked it up...but you were Barely moving..." "well....I think someone had super speed.." cisco looked at catilyn then to me. "Here put this where the nidle went in" i nodded and Dr Wells came in... "how is she..." "she's good just that she has speed powers" Dr Wells looked at me for a mintue.... "ok then...but y/n do you remember what happened before all of this..." "um...not really....only that I phoned cisco and that it...." "well that's fill her in" "oh when you phoned me and said Barry got....and then you said nothing...and if we're right you where about to say Barry got hit by lighting and then you where as well....and if we're correct which we wherent Bart was meant to wake up before you...but we where wrong..." "how long do you think he's gonna be out..." "a few months even years...people in comas don't really wake up quickly" i nodded and went back to Barry....i held his hand... "come on you idiot....wake up soon...please" i felt a tear slip down my cheek and hit my hand and fall to Barrys hand.. "y/n you should go is pretty late in the day...." "alright I just need to go see something.... and then I'll go" i walked out the room "oh yeah...y/n.." i stoped and looked back at cisco "don't run anywhere...your shoes will burn I'll have some new one for you tomorrow " "alright" i nodded and normal ran of he Barrys lab. I opened the door and saw the glass still on the floor "wow....see no one can be bothered to clean up in here.....wait a sec....the information we worked on" i looked at the board that had glass all around the floor... I looked for a brome of something... "really Barry have a glass roof and no sweeper... you better hope I don't get glass in my foot" i walked on top of the glass carefully and made my way to the board "all wiped clean or Barry never touched it....hold up...someone cleaned around the board...but no one can get in..." i turned the board around all the power stuff was still there..... "i should take a picture of this..." i took my phone out and took a picture and saved it. I wiped it all clean off. "Nothing connecting to Barry...." i walked out the lab. "HEY YOU...WHAT DO YOU KNOW" i was pushed back into the allyway next to Barrys lab "why do you want to know" "because that my lab" "no its not..." "then who's is it" "Barry Allens and you think I'm gonna let you go through his stuff" "well yeah....if you don't want to die...." i was gonna run away but I couldn't since my shoes would be on fire. "Fine...I won't tell anyone. Just try and find something of use in there...there is nothing because the owner worked for the police and he got hurt on a cause when the Particle accelerator try and go in there i will call the police or better yet I might as well take you I  myself" "you won't dare..." "because?..." "when the particle accelerator i was wearing a suit well a prototype sound scater and because of the particle accelerator I'm this super human an i won't protect the one but the police can....and there all gonna die" "funny how last mintue plans can come to a end just like that" i clicked my fingers "what are you on about i can kill you now" "well....i don't think you can" i started to speed my arm arm up so I can punch him "what are you gonna the police like a normal the time they come I'll be gone and you'll be dead" "nope..." i punched him in the face multiple times and he fell to he ground after the three'rd one so I gave up and pulled him along to the police station and Joe came out "how'd you get him we've been after him for a month" "he's really weak" i commented and walked away. I heard my phone I answered it "hey y/n is it ok if i come to yours for a bit." " it work related...?.." "not completely..." "aright there in 2" "give me 5 and I'll be there." "Aright" i ran normal speed to my flat. Opened the door and crashed on the couch and waited for cisco.
I heard a knock at the door. I got up opened the door. "Hello here" cisco waved and I moved so he came in. "Ok so...about the running bit. I've have more than one type of shoe. Yes there made to adapt to speed so if you became fast it would adapt to your speed...but as of now it hasn't adapted to any speed since there un used but here." He handed me some black shoes. I put them on and ran around since I need to set the speed in them. "That's good y/n. We also have boots and sleepers" i looked at him "ok boots are an ok but sleepers.?" "Running around in the morining" "i get changed first and then do what I need to do..." "well your still keeping them....because everyone need a pair of sleepers." I rolled my eyes "want to watch something..." "nah...I need to get back to the labs ..." "don't over do yourself" "i wont" i smiled looked at the time and Cisco closed the door. "Why would you leave me with these cisco...." i put them all in my room and went back into living room. "Well.....what to do.....?"

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