Chapter 19

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Goodbyes are not forever, Goodbyes are not the end......

Samuel was choking, he could not breath every breath a struggle, he tried opening his eyes they were so heavy.

Tried to lift his arm it was like dragging it through quick sand but was finally able to raise his arm then slowly the other. Pushing his arms back he managed to lever himself forward taking great gulps of air as he broke free.

It was dark, blackness surrounded him, feeling round he tried to make out where he was. Cold walls either side, he was sat on what felt like a solid wood service, he seemed to be buried to his waist in a cold, damp material.

"Where the feck am I?" he mumbled to the night.

Thump, "what the feck," Samuel shouted as more of the stuff he was buried in was thrown on his head from above.

"Oh lord," he suddenly said, remembering where he was and what he had been doing, "I am being buried afeckinlive."

Stumbling he tried to stand there was nothing to grip, nothing to steady himself with. He clawed at the mud causing more to collapse on top of him sending him flat on his back against the wooden casket beneath him, against Mary's casket.

Panic was taking hold, adrenaline causing him to shake, more soil being thrown down from above.

"You leave my boy alone," his mothers voice carried down to him, followed by a thump then something falling to the floor. He could hear Jess going wild snarling and snapping till she also fell quiet.

"No," Bethy screamed, "no please leave them alone."

"Ma, ma, no, leave her be, I swear to god I will kill you if you hurt her," Samuel screamed to the night.

A dark laugh sounded from above, "well," it sneered, "you do know I already killed her, reached right into her chest crushed her heart. So I believe its a little late for your threats don't you."

Crawling back to his knees Samuel tried once more to escape the grave, looking up he felt soft, fat raindrops fall to his face. He needed to find a hold now, soon the ground would be to wet, escape would become impossible.

As if listening the rain began to quicken its pace. Samuel once more pulled himself to his feet, he was a tall man over six feet his head cleared the hole. Peering over the edge he saw his Ma lying very still on the now wet ground the occasional groan escaping her lips, little Bethy sat close by her stroking her hair urging her to wake.

He turned to his attacker who was stood watching him with interest.

The grotesque creature from before was gone in its place was a misted form. A tall dark haired man with blood red eyes which watched Samuel, its mouth curled into a cruel sharp toothed smile. He appeared to flicker in and out of focus as the mist constantly swirled around him as if he was struggling to hold his form and thankfully he appeared to have given up on burying Samuel alive.

"You can see me," the man whispered.

"Aye I see you," Samuel answered but was quite sure the man was not really asking him.

The mist raised his head to the dark night,

"She is coming," he said as wind began to whip around the cemetery, large old trees which had stood for years began to bend and creak, bowing to its force.

"I suggest you hurry to your task, I will no longer stop you, she has destroyed the vile creature, I can not be here when she arrives," a small smile touched the mans fanged mouth, before turning and vanishing into the night.

Samuel somehow managed to claw his way out of the grave the ground was now sodden, mud coated his hands he tried wiping then on his pants but they were also covered in mud.

His Ma let out a long groan as she gingerly got back to her feet with the help of Bethy, Jess was already back up once more yipping happily around Bethy.

He gently lifted the small bundle which lay undisturbed waiting for him, turning he saw his Ma and Bethy watching their hands clasped tightly together.

Pulling the childs lifeless body close he made his way back into the grave, tucked her tightly within one arm as he carefully lifted the heavy lid of the casket.

There she was his beautiful Mary lay waiting for her child to be returned, her arms waiting to hold her.

Gently he uncovered the small childs face, whispered close to her ear, "now you can rest in peace with your mamma."

As he returned the child to her mothers waiting arms he heard the squeal of delight from above.

"Mamma, mamma," the child was crying, laughing, dancing all at the same time as Samuel pulled himself from their grave.

He watched as Mary bent to scoop the child up in her arms spinning them round and round as she rained kisses upon her face.

Samuel felt his mother take his hand.

"I have to go son," she whispered, "as does she."

Samuel held his mothers hand to his chest, reached down to give Jess one final scratch behind her ears then pulled his Ma close as tears fell from his eyes.

"I love you," she whispered before slowly fading from his arms.

"Come on mamma, come on, lets go see nanny," Bethy was singing in delight.

"We will just one moment," he heard Mary say before she slowly turned lifted her eyes to meet his a small sad smile touched her lips.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Tears ran freely down her beautiful face as she took Bethys small hand then turned to leave, slowly they began to fade.

Mary turned one last time.

"I will love you forever," was gently carried to him through the night.

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