Chapter 2

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"Are yer outta yer ever lovin mind?" Shamis laughed,

"Aye maybe," Samuel sighed, "but Jess saw her to."

"Is that right now Jess," Shamis asked rubbing the dogs head, "did yer see an old Banshee down by the river?"

Jess just happily panted in response loving the attention being lavished upon her.

"She was no old Banshee."

"Well a young un then, but you know they are all old hags really you just see what they want you to see," Shamis said still laughing.

"She was no old hag or Banshee," Samuel continued not quite understanding why he was becoming quite so vexed at Shamis's teasing.

Samuel had walked the short distance to Shamis's the next morning to borrow the old ford pick up, well say borrow he had no intention of returning it anytime soon, why Shamis was always taking from him and never returning. Even Jeanie, Shamis's wife was Samuel's girl first, well that's what Shamis thought anyway.

You see when kids say 16 or so Shamis had a real soft spot for Jeanie but never had the nerve to ask her for a date. Now Samuel and Jeanie were real good friends and Samuel knew Jeanie felt the same. So they pretended to be sweet hearts, Shamis couldn't stand the thought and went right behind Samuel's back and stole her.

Shamis still had no knowledge of the truth and Samuel and no intention of telling him, why it gave him good leverage the old you stole my girl and broke my heart story.

A heavily pregnant Jeanie walked into the room with a tray of tea and freshly baked muffins. "Now stop your teasing Shamis," she gently scolded laying her tray on the table.

"If Sammy says he saw a lady down by the river then that's what he saw."

Jeanie always called him Sammy, he guessed she liked the way it caused a little tick under Shamis's eye and his jaw to tighten slightly.

"Why thank you Jeanie," Samuel said playing along.

"Your looking mighty pretty today pregnancy certainly seems to be agreeing with you."

If truth be told Jeanie always looked mighty pretty with her stylish short brown hair and long black lashes framing huge brown eyes, Jeanie was most definitely a looker.

Jeanie smiled, "I do seem to be getting a little lucky this time round, I blew up like a balloon with the boys."

"Still time," Shamis mumbled through his stiff jaw.

Jeanie shot Shamis one real mean look, but before she could say anything a racket started out the back.

"Oh lord, them boys will be the death of me," Jeanie announced taking a muffin from her tray on the coffee table then making her way to the back yard, shooting Shamis another mean look on the way, then smiling sweetly at Samuel.

"Your in for one tongue lashing later, not the kind you be wanting either," Samuel laughed getting up to leave.

"Aye thanks to you," Shamis grumbled.

"Hey I didn't do anything," Samuel said holding his hands up innocently, "come on Jess lets go bring that cottage into the present."

"You know your folks will be turning in their graves," Shamis sighed, "loved that cottage they did."

"Aye, I know," Samuel said, thinking of how he had heard them last night, "but turn they will have to, its not like I am tearing the place down, just moving it forward in time is all, I can take no more flowers and frills."

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