Chapter 10

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Lilly stood engrossed in the third chapter of the latest steamy novel to arrive fresh in that morning. Hot and Heavy the title read, and boy did it live up to its title.

Lilly had never been able to resist a new book, the smell, the feel, the new story waiting to come to life from the pages.

That was the main reason she had decided to become a librarian, her love of stories, romance, horror, crime, fantasy it didn't matter she loved them all.

Lilly could still remember when her love began, aged 10 her last year of primary school. Towards the end of the first day her new teacher Mrs Gervis had sat them all down and pulled a thick book from her desk drawer and began to read, The BFG the cover read.

Lilly became completely engrossed, it was not just the story Lilly fell in love with, it was the way Mrs Gervis told it she bought the book to life, gave The BFG a voice.

Lilly remembered the following week being given her first ever pocket money and being allowed into town with her friends. While her friends rushed to buy sweets and fuzzy keyrings, Lilly slowed outside the bookstore.

She could hear all the new books waiting to tell her their stories.

Lilly entered the store, her first pound coin clutched tightly in her hand and found the first book she would ever buy, The BFG, she still had it tucked neatly away on the bookshelf at her mums.

The original plan had to become a primary school teacher, she had studied English Literature back home in England. Then by chance while searching out her next great read at her local library had seen the advert for librarian required in a quiet rural village of Ireland. That sounded like a great location for a story. Lilly had not been able to resist was booking her ferry ticket the next day and now here she was and she loved it.

Phew, this is one steamy novel, Lilly thought quickly turning to the next page, she knew she had maybe an hour tops before the the ladies of the local reading club would be barging through the doors. All of them eager to get their hands on one of the six copies the library had ordered in, then it would be a good six months or so before they landed back in the library for more than an hour before the next eager lady arrived to snatch it from its shelf.

The book never held the same appeal for Lilly once it had been thumbed through countless times, the pages curled the spine all cracked.

Lilly supposed she could just download it onto her kindle but she just didn't seem to enjoy it the same. She liked to curl up in bed with a cup of tea, the weight of a good old fashioned paper book in her hand the new book smell swirling round her as she devoured the contents. Not to be told the batteries running low after an hour because she forgot to charge it, yes tablets were great inventions and sure a lot of people loved the convenience of instant books, but not Lilly as far as she was concerned tablets were for online shopping and email, now shopping she could enjoy, well she could if she had a bit more money.

She grabbed handfuls of his dark hair as he continued to kiss her most private of places.

"Do you want more?" he asked as his tongue continued to lazily caress her entrance, slowly sliding up to tease her with light licks.

"Yes, please, yes," she begged as he plunged his tongue deep inside her.

"Miss, excuse me, Miss," Lilly's head snapped up from her book, knowing full well she was now a nice bright shade of red.

"Erm yes, sorry how can I help you?" she asked feeling heat burn her cheeks.

Lilly stared up into the highly amused eyes of the confused man she had met the other day, he was clearly no longer confused as his eyes shone with amusement.

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