Playing Pranks While Playing Sick (Owen's POV - Penny age 10; Owen age 11)

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The sun comes up way too early, I think. Either that, or the moon doesn't stay awake for long enough. Because, as the bright, cheery rays attempted to pry open my dry, crusted eyes, I wasn't having any part of it.

Penny groaned next to me, and I echoed shortly after. Wait, Penny? Suddenly wide awake, I lifted my head off... the ground? Where the heck was I?

Suddenly, it all came back to me. They really should censor what they put on YouTube. That way, Penny and I wouldn't have been able to stumble across Stephen King's It and watch the whole thing at nine o' clock at night. Really, it's Dana's fault for making us go to bed so early; how can a ten- and eleven-year-old be tired at nine?

More than once, I had snuck into Penny's room with Cooper's laptop, and we would watch a movie or play a game or something. However, I was always sure to sneak back to my room before our brothers caught us. It seemed last night I had fallen asleep on the job.

It was by far the scariest thing I had ever experienced in my short life. Never again would I look at a clown the same way! Penny and I had been unable to fall asleep for several hours, and must have drifted off sometime in the early morning hours.

I slowly rose, bones cracking from sleeping on the hardwood floor, and looked at the clock. 6:15. Thank goodness! I still had another hour of sleep! As I stumbled back to my dark room, looking over my shoulder for Pennywise, my bed had never looked so comfortable. The second I had turned on the light and my head had hit the pillow, I was out cold.


"Owen! Rise and shine, kiddo!" A voice shouted, yanking me out of my peaceful sleep. I buried my head deeper under the covers, hoping that whoever it was would just go away.

"Come on, bud! Get up, or you'll be late for school!" the voice stated insistently, getting closer and closer to my exhausted form.

Suddenly, my cacoon of blanket warmth was ripped away, and I was left vulnerable to the cold air of the room.

"Uggghhhhh!!" I groaned, curling into an even tighter ball. "Gimme it backkkkk!" I whined.

"Owen, get up, please. Breakfast is downstairs, so get dressed real quick!" Cooper said, patting my back and smoothing my sleep-ruffled hair.

I groaned again, turning my face back into my pillow.

"Owen! Get up!" This time, Cooper's voice had a stern edge to it, and I knew I was running out of warnings.

"I'm tired," I muttered, rolling around futilely. I know I must have looked like a toddler, but you try functioning on a measly two hours of sleep!

"Well, I'm sorry. But you still have to go to school. So, come on! You're too big for me to carry you!"

"I don't want you to carry me; I want you to leave me alone." So I was a little cranky— give me a break!

"Owen, if you don't get up—"

"Is he giving you trouble, too?" Another brother had entered the room. Great, just great. "Penny was doing the same thing. Whining and complaining about how tired she was. You'd think she stayed up all night or something." Ben sounded tired, too.

"They probably did, but they're going to have to deal with the consequences. Owen, for the last time!" Cooper exclaimed.

"Uggghhhh," I groaned. I didn't think I was capable of anything else at the moment.

"Owen, up now. And I mean it!" Ben commanded, giving me a not-so-soft swat to my exposed thigh.

"Ow!" I whined, lifting my head up and pouting at my brothers.

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