"He's sitting on my car?" He asked and I nodded. Of course when it's his Porsche he's worried. He quickly rushed outside to get the cat off the car as I got plates out for us to eat. Ashton came into the kitchen to help me. 

"How was your day?" He asked. 

"Good. How was yours?" I questioned. "Hope Luke didn't annoy you too much." I giggled. 

"Everything was fine. We just played video games and such." He shrugged before sitting down at the island. I grabbed two beers and a sparkling water for myself before sitting down next to him. 

"Your dumbass cat scratched my car." He huffed putting the cat down and joining us at the island. 

"Your dumbass shouldn't have let him out in the first place." I commented as I cut into my steak. 

"I'm not dumb." He muttered making Ashton laugh. I wanted to tell him he was right and tell him he was something much worse but I kept my mouth shut. 

"Wanna know something?" I said changing the subject. 

"Sure." He commented. 

"Courtney's pregnant." 

"Oh that's nice!" He said. "We'll have to send her flowers or something." He smiled. 

"Too bad it's not Nick's." I commented just to see what he would say. Both Ashton and Luke looked over at me. 

"What?" Luke asked. "She cheated on him?" He asked and I nodded my head. "I'm gonna tell him." Luke said. 

"No no no. I was joking. Don't tell him anything." Luke and Nick had gotten close since the wedding. They didn't hang out often but talked a lot. 

"How far along is she?" Ashton asked. 

"Not sure yet. She hasn't been the doctor." I answered. As much as I didn't want kids, I was so excited for her. Pregnancy was a beautiful thing and I was going to be here with her every step of the way. 

"Have you guys talked about kids?" He asked and I nearly spit my steak out. "I'm gonna take that as a no." He chuckled. 

"We are in no rush to have children, Ashton." Luke answered. I had one scare once and since then we have mostly been extremely careful about what we do. We have only had sex without a condom a few times and I make sure that it's a time when there would be no way I could get pregnant. 

After dinner I cleaned up while they went back to doing whatever they were doing before I got here. Once I was finished I went to shower and then sat on the edge of the bed in just a towel. The talk of kids has never come up before and it scared the crap out of me. 


I watched Ashton leave before heading to the bedroom where I thought McKinley was asleep but the light was still on. I walked inside to find her sitting on the bed, still in a towel, and she was staring at the wall. 

"Kin?" I asked moving closer to her to not freak her out. "Kinley?" I squatted down and touched her knees. "McKinley!" 

"What?" She asked moving her eyes to look at me. 

"What's wrong?" I asked standing up and going to find her pj's. "Tell me." 

"Do you want kids?" She blurted. It wasn't something that I ever thought about. I wasn't sure if I wanted kids. I never pictured myself as a father whereas my brother's did. Growing up they talked about when they became dads and I never did. 

"Not really." I said to her and she nodded. "Maybe in like 10 or 11 years but no. Not right now. Don't let Ashton freak you out." I came back into the room and thankfully she was now standing and dropped the towel from her hair before pulling it up into a ponytail. She then dropped the towel from around her body and took the clothes from me. 

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