Chapter 16

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Hey guys,

I know it took awhile but here's another chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it!



I woke up the next morning wondering how I ended up in bed.

"Goodmorning beautiful, how did you sleep?" Chase aksed from beside me.

"You fell asleep during the movie so I carried you to bed."

"Really? I'm sorry!"

"Don't be, you did a lot yesterday, it was only normal you were tired, I didn't mind," he said.

"I mind, the movie was supposed to be the ending of a romantic evening but instead I fell asleep."

"Baby, honestly, it's okay. I never would have expected what you did for me yesterday and I love you with all my heart and you should do whatever you please when you're around me so if you're tired and you want to sleep just go to sleep, okay honey?"

"Fine but I'm still not happy about it," I said being stubborn.

"Always so stubborn," he said teasing me.

"Tell me what you have planned for today," he asked.

"I thought maybe it would be fun to go the beach and then cook together and tonight I have a surprise for you."

"That sounds great but babe another surprise? You sure I deserve another one?" he asked blushing.

"Baby, look at me, you deserve the world and more then I can give you. Tonight is going to be special for the both of us."

"I have no idea who decided you would be my mate but I am in dept to them for the rest of my life, you make me the happiest man alive." I looked away blushing and not knowing what to say.

"Shall we pack a bag and eat our breakfast on the beach?" he asked in a carring tone.

"Yeah I would love that. I'll put my bikini on and pack the bag when I'm ready."

"I can pack the bag when you're getting ready if you want," Chase suggested.

"No I'll do it when you're getting ready, you can stay in bed a bit longer," I said giving him a kiss and getting out of bed.

I grabbed my bikini and a summerdress and went to the bathroom to get dressed. I changed, brushed my hair and went back to our room to see how far along Chase was with getting dressed and he was already finished to my surprise. He saw the confused look on my face and smiled.

"I thought if I finished at the same time as you, we could pack the bag together and then go to the beach."

"You're sweet but you didn't have to, you know that right?"

"Yes I know babe but I wanted to do something too, this weekend is way to much and you also do everything in the house back home so you shouldn't have to do everything this weekend, this is also a weekend away for you not just for me," he explained.

"Yeah I know I do everything and probably to much but I think that's still in me from all those years with Archer."

"I know and that's why I don't say anything about it, apparantely you feel comfortable doing it all but I don't want you to do to much and get worn out. That's why I try to do it subtle by suggesting things but you always say no," he said smiling.

"I'll try to work on it, I don't want you to worry about me."

"That's all I ask babe, let's go pack our bag," he said grabbing my hand and we walked downstairs together. He grabbed a bag and I grabbed things out of the fridge and cabinets such as bread, strawberries and so on. Chase carried the bag and we were off to the beach.


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