Chapter 5

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The sky began to darken and Chase left to make us dinner, but I stayed outside enjoying the fresh air. The first drops of rain started to fall but I didn't mind, I wanted to stay outside and let all of the feelings wash away. Even when I was soaking wet and started shivering cause of the cold I didn't go inside. I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of the rain, remembering the sound by heart. I was so focused I didn't hear Chase coming up to me.

"Hailey, what are you still doing outside?" he asked slightly angery.

"Enjoying the rain," I answered.

"Hailey you are freezing and you're probably going to be sick tomorrow thanks to sitting out here in this weather."

"I'm sorry! It's been to long for me and I didn't know that. Please don't be mad at me?" I begged. He came over and hugged me.

"Oh Hailey I'm not mad at you, I am worried about you. Let's get you inside."

"Okay," I whispered, I couldn't figure out why he was worried about me, he doesn't even know me that well. We walked inside and it smelled delicious.

"Chase it smells fantastic in here," I told him.

"Thank you but you are going to have to take off these wet clothes and a hot bath before you can come and eat okay?"


"The dry clothes because it's alot warmer than these wet ones and the bath because it will warm up your temperature and maybe make you less ill in the morning."

"Okay I'll go upstairs then, see you in a bit," I told him and walked up the stairs. I let the bath fill up and I took my clothes off, Chase was right my body had a blue-ish shade. Turning the water off I climbed in and closed my eyes. Suddenly Archer was with me in the room. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him afraid.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find you, Hailey?" he asked.

"But how? You don't even know Chase." 

"Oh but Hailey you forgot one little thing," he said smirking.


"The tracking device inside of you," he said and walked away. I woke up immediately but I couldn't help the scream that came out and got out of bad, I wrapped a towel around myself and went looking for something sharp. I know I promised Chase not to do this anymore but I had to get it out, he couldn't find me. In the cabinet I found a razor blade so I broke it and took one of the blades out. The most logical place I could think of was my stomach so I unwrapped my towel and I cut my stomach, felt but there was nothing there. I wrapped the towel back around myself and cut my wrists but it wasn't there so I gave up for today. There was a knock on the door but I didn't answer it instead I sat down on the floor, I was feeling a bit dizzy from the cutting.

"Hailey are you okay?" Chase asked from behind the door, I didn't want to answer but I lay down on the floor that usually helped against the dizziness. There was a deafening sound and Chase was by my side instantly.

"Hailey what have you done?" he asked.

"He... I...." I couldn't make out what I wanted say.

"It's okay, let's get your wounds cleaned," he said before lifting me up in his arms. He took me to his room for the first time and it was really gorgues, the walls were a deep purple colour with creme, he has a queen sized bed with a deep mahogany frame. Het set me down on the bed and went to what I presume is his bathroom and came back with first aid supplies.

"Chase?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" he said looking up from the supplies.

"I'm really sorry to have scared you like that," I said with tears in my eyes. He came over with the the supplies and sat down next to me.

"What happened?" he asked.

"He had placed something inside me and I wanted to get it out only I didn't know where it was."

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"He was there in my room and he said he had placed a tracking device inside of me and I don't want him to find me so I cut myself looking for it."

"This can sting a bit," he said before cleaning my cuts, I hissed at the pain.

"Hailey you were dreaming when he came to you," he whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He wasn't really here, you had a nightmare and when you woke up you thought it was true but it isn't."

"Oh my god, you mean that I cut myself for.. for nothing?" I asked.

"Yes." I bursted out in tears, he hugged me.

"I broke my promise to you for nothing," I cried.

"It's okay, I understand okay? You hungry?" he asked. I nodded my head and he went over to his dresser to get me a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, after I dressed we went downstairs to eat.

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