Chapter 15

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I know it's been quiet awhile but here's another chapter for you! It's a bit short but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. Let me know what you think of it!



All in all it took me 3 weeks to walk on my own again. In those 3 weeks Chase was amazing. He did everything for me and didn't complain once. The bond between the 2 of us became even stronger, I wanted to thank him for all his hard work so I was planning a surprise for him and Ethan was helping me with it.

I had rented a cabin at the beach for the weekend and at the moment I was setting everything up as Ethan was bringing Chase over. I had made his favourite dinner: roast beef with a salad and potatoes, lit the whole place with candles to make it even more romantic. I had told the guys not to bother Chase this weekend, this weekend was all about us. I even tried to look my best for him, I had put on a red strapless, cocktail dress with black heels, I had curled my hair and put on some make up.

I just finished setting up the table when there was a knock on the door. Instead of answering I went to hide myself from view, the door opened and he walked in. I could see Ethan did what he was told and made him dress up too, he was wearing a dark blue button down shirt with black pants. He took in the room and I could see confusion lining his features, that's when I stepped into view.

'Hailey?' he asked confused.

'I'm glad you listened to Ethan and dressed up, you look really handsome,' I said.

'And you look absolutely gorgues but what is all of this?' he asked still confused.

'This is my thank you for you,' I said.

'Thank you for what?'

'For taking care of me the past few weeks.'

'That's why you did all of this? Baby what I did for you these past few weeks is normal for me, you're my mate and I'll always take care of you.'

'But you forget that it's not normal for me and I wanted to do something for you, that's why I rented this cabin for the weekend, for us to be together without any interruptions.'

'You didn't have to do this but I'm looking forward to having you all to myself this weekend.'

'Come on let's eat before it's cold,' I said walking to the table.

'Please sit down, I'll get the plates,' I said.

'I can get them,' he said being the gentleman he is.

'No this weekend is for you so sit down and enjoy.'

He sat down and I walked to the kitchen, I walked back in with 2 plates and his eyes became soft, he was finally relaxing and forgetting about his pack for the time being.

'You cooked my favourite dinner?' he asked surprised.

'Yes like I said this weekend is all for you and you deserve the best,' I said blushing.

'I already have the best and I got it the day you sat on my front steps,' he said, his eyes smouldering.

'Nah I'm not the best, you just settled for less which I still don't get,' I said looking away while putting his plate down in front of him, he grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

'Hailey, stop being so uncertain about yourself! You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and you make me the happiest man alive,' he said with nothing but honesty in his eyes.

'I can't help it and I'm really sorry for it,' I said with tears in my eyes.

'Don't be, after everything you went through it's normal. It's just something we'll have to work on and we have the rest of our lives for it.'

'I hope so!'

The rest of dinner was filled with small talk and we did the dishes together, not because I had planned it like that but he was being stubborn and insisted on helping. Afterwards we decided to watch a romantic movie on the couch only after a few minutes my closed on own accord.

I felt myself being lift up and I opened my eyes.

'Chase?' I asked.

'It's okay baby. G back to sleep,' he whispered and I did.

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