Chapter two

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I froze as soon as he closed the door, the hallway was huge and it was packed with people. I looked at Chase and I saw him looking at me with a strange look in his eyes.

"I... I can't stay, sorry!" I turned around and ran out of the front door. 

"Hailey wait!" Chase yelled. I stopped running and turned around, shaking on my feet, he walked to me.

"What happened back there?" he asked.

"I'm not good with people, please let me leave. It's not safe for me to be on these streets."

"Come back to the house, I'll tell everybody to leave okay?"

"Why would you do that? You don't know me."

"No but you look like you've been through hell and need a friend," he said.

"Okay but I don't know if I can talk about it," I admitted.

"That's okay, I'll make you something to eat and you can rest here."

"But what if he finds me?" I asked my voice shaking.

"He won't come in, you will be safe here I promise." I looked at him and he was looking at me with protection is his eyes, from that moment on I knew he wouldn't hurt me the way Archer did. I nodded and we walked back to the house together, when we came in he yelled to everybody to leave and they did. He led to the kitchen and walked to the fridge.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked.

"What ever you have is fine for me," I whispered. He looked at me and I looked away.

"Hailey you are safe here, whatever you went through won't happen here." I couldn't help myself but I started crying, he came over and tried to embrace me but I backed away untill I hit the wall. My knees gave out on me and I fell to the floor, he sat down next to me and pulled me into him. I cried untill I had no more tears to shed, I looked at Chase and he was looking at me too.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice hoarse.

"Don't apologize, I'm here for you."

"I made your shirt all wet, I'll wash it for you," I said while trying to get his shirt off but he didn't move his arms. I looked up at him and saw that his eyes were changed into a black colour. They reminded me of Archers eyes and I started shaking with fear, he looked at me and his eyes went back to his normal blue ones.

"Hailey what happened to you?" he whispered.

"I was kidnapped for 8 years," I said.

"But that's not all that happened," he stated.

"No it's not, he came to me every night and did what he wanted but before his eyes changed to this black colour and yours did that just now, you reminded me of him," I whispered.

"What did he do to you Hailey?" 

"Everything you can think of and I tried to fight him in the beginning but I only made it worse for myself so I stopped," I told him. 

"Who was this man?" he asked.

"Archer Wynn, he was a friend of my parents and he took me from them." I was on the verge of tears again but I managed to keep them back.

"He won't ever touch you again, I promise."

"Thank you," I said sincerely, I felt so much better to tell someone about this.

"That's okay, do you want me to show you to the guestroom?" 

"Yes please, if you don't mind."

"Of course not, come on." He stood up and helped me, we walked to the stairs and went up to the first floor. Like I said before this place is huge, we stopped in front of a door.

"This is your room, there's a bathroom in there and you can stay here as long as you want," Chase told me.

"Thank you so much, I don't get why you this but I'm glad I met you," I said before closing the door.

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