The End

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There is Giovanni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn!! Damn!! Damn!!!


I stared at the boy that had been putting me threw living hell for the past few weeks and almost lunged at him but knew he had a gun so didn’t dare to move as he spoke at me. I was smart enough to know that he had taken all of the weapons from around the warehouse as well if he known we were coming here. I was absolutely screwed in the scenario.

“Oh, Vinnie, I missed you so much,” he said with a smile. “God, I missed you.”

“Fuck you!” I hissed at him sounding like a venomous snake.

“Oh, no thank you. I am so over you!” he said with a grin. “I like dyou way back then but now I am just a little disapointed in what you have become. That whole heart-to-heart with Giovanni there was just pathertic! It was like watchinga  bad soap opera! Oh! Sammy is gay!? I totally rember when we first kissed. He was a good kisser back then, I wonder if he still rocks at it?”

I was beyond pissed off by now as he rambled on about stuff that was not relevant to what had been going on lately. My mother beinga  big one! I felt Gio move besdie me and cursed. “Don’t move baby,” I whispered as Alberto kept atlkinga bout Sammy and how they kissed. I was going to kick his ass later for that one.

“Why?” he whispered back without movin.

“Alberto!” I shouted and he shut up. Gio got the point. I felt his hands go down my side and I almost moaned if it was not for the situation we were in. Iknew he was looking for the gun that was in my pants but stupid me had discarded those.

“You are so rude, Vinnie,” he said with a exhausted look.

“I’m rude? No! Rude is attemt of murder. That’s fucking rude, Alberto,” I hissed as I sat up in bed. Gio grabbed my leg tightlya s to say ‘stay’ but I needed to get us closer to that gun and farther away from this psycho shooting me.

“Oh, you forgot regular murder,” he siad with a evil grin. I stopped moving and Gio grabbed onto me tighter. What was he talking about? “You didn’t fgure it out yet? Wow.”

I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I stood up and took a step toward him. “What are you talking about?”

He just smiled and lifted the gun up so it was level with my chest. “Stop moving,” he said suddenly. I stopped moving but my eyes were right on him and the gun.

“What did you mean by what you said, Alby!?” I shouted using his old nickname. He paused and smiled at me. Wow, he is fucking psycho.

“I missed you calling me that,” he said and then I heard the gun go off and a stinging pain in my side. I heard Gio yelp as he jumped off the bed and run toward me. He caught me before I fell and I looked up into his big, green eyes as he looked down at me shocked.

“So you are awake,” Alberto siad with a snake like smile. “I was just making sure you were up so I could kill you and he can watch.”

I looked up at Gio and he looked back. “Run,” I mouthed and he shook his head. The blood was coming out too rapidly for me to live if he didn’t get help so I needed him to run. I would not let Alberto get hut him either. I loved him way too much for that.

I took Gio’s hand and put it on the bullet wound and gave him a look that said what I was thinking. He shook his head again but I knew I got my point across. “You two actually make a cute couple,” Alberto said with a grin.

“Fuc-k-k you,” I said.

“You are so sweet,” Alberto said and then pulled his jacket off. I pushed Gio up and tackled Alberto while he was busy looking away. Gio stopped for a second but I just shot him a galre as I fought with Alberto.

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