Touchy-Touchy Feely-Feely

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“Hey, get up,” Gio whispered to me. I felt the sunlight on my face but refused to open my eyes. I held him tighter against me and nuzzled my face into his neck. “Vinnie, get up.”

“Are you whining?” I asked with a smirk.

He huffed. “Maybe.” I lifted my head and pried my eyes open to see his messy bed hair and his plump bottom lip sticking out. I leaned forward to take it in between my teeth but stopped when I realized I hadn’t even kissed him yet.

“We haven’t kissed,” I whispered. His eyes rolled but then widened when he realized I was right. His eyes went to my mouth and then his cheeks pinkened.

“Do you- ya know- wanna….kiss…me?” he asked. His face had turned scarlet now and that made me smile. He looked so innocent like this. His head tucked into my arm, his hair a mess, his eyes wide, his cheeks the color of florescent, red roses, and his lip between his teeth.

I smiled wider and dipped my head down.  I waited until our mouths were just centimeters away. “Nah. I think I’ll wait.” I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom when he started to curse in Italian. I closed the door and then ran through his and ran right onto his bed. I burrowed beneath the blankets and pillows and waited for him.

“Jackass!” he screeched and jumped on the bed. My thigh screamed in pain but I chose to ignore it. I stayed completely still beneath the covers as he cursed me for being an ignorant bastard and threatened to cut off my appendage.

He finally figured out that I wasn’t coming up, so he came down. I saw his legs slide beneath the covers and then his abdomen. I saw his face and started to laugh at the cute flushed look he had.

“I hate you,” he said as he hit me. I laughed hysterically as he continued his assault. He was so cute when he was mad.


Oh god what is he doin’ to me?

“Come here,” he said suddenly. I did I was told and watched as he cupped my face and leaned forward. My stomach did a flip-flop as we neared but of course knowing our fucking luck-

“GIO GET OUT OF BED!” Tommy screamed. There was a long pause. “VIN GET THE HELL UP!” came the shout outside of my door. I groaned and threw the blanket off of us.

“I swear no one wants us to kiss,” he said.

Maybe it’s a sign. “It’s whatever,” I said and went to get off the bed but he pulled me back.

“Don’t go back to the other way,” he said with that look from last night overtaking his features.

“Back to what?” I asked but I could already fell the ice coming back over my heart. It wasn’t like I stopped caring but I needed to get my game face on before this meeting. Our relationship- if I dare call it that- is private for now. Maybe forever.

He didn’t answer me but also didn’t let go. He crawled across the bed and put his face in my neck. His teeth slid across my Adam’s apple and I shuddered in sexual bliss. He was so fucking sexy. I put my hands at the small of his back and pushed him down on the bed with his mouth on my neck. He groaned when we were horizontal. He wrapped his legs around me and lifted his hips.

“Fuck,” I cursed. He smiled against my neck and then bit down harder on my neck. I groaned and fisted the blanket beside his head. I rocked my hips against his and let his roaming hands power my sexual need for him.

I might just become the damn Energizer bunny. He makes me want to keep going and going and going….

“VINCENT!” Tommy yelled from in front of my door. I cursed and looked down at the panting boy beneath me. 

Mafia Lovers~ Forbidden Lovers (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora