Two Halves Make a Forbidden Whole

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I busted through the doors of Tino’s and was immediately greeted with the smell of pizza. Instead of the warm feeling I usually got my stomach turned sour, threatening to spill everywhere. My eyes searched the crowd until I met Sammy’s huge green eyes and then I fell to my knees.

“Vincent!” Sammy and Sam screamed as they charged at me. I barely heard them or felt them as they picked me up and carried me to the back. My feet drug across the floor because they refused to work with me. Nothing wanted to work with me.

Not even my ears.

“Pops is gonna kill me,” I muttered. “Hide me. Hide me. H-hide me.” I babbled like this for a while as my mind went on a wild goose chase.

I fucking hurt Gio’s pops. I hurt him because of a guy I said and begged myself to believe that I hate. I wanted- no- needed to protect him. In those few moments I saw his pops’ hands connecting with his flawless face, everything I had been denying came into focus. I cared about him. I did. No matter where I tried to hide or who I tried to hide it from, it was true.

A slap came across my face and I snapped to attention to see Sammy’s green eyes full of worry. “Vincent you need to tell us what happened.” My eyes sought out Sam’s and I found him on the phone with a worried look directed at me.

Wait until he hears what I did. He might not look so damn worried.

I looked around and made out the other boy’s faces. They all looked worried and completely lost as their leader sat there on his ass scared out of his wits. What if my dad really killed me? What if he finally did it? I would have lied to Tommy his whole life. Tears wanted to pour out of my eyes but I wouldn’t let them fall in the face of my boys.

“Vincent, talk,” Ralph urged. I shook my head and opened my mouth only to be cut off when the bell rang and then flew into a wall near the back where we were at. My body wanted to tremble because I had a feeling that flying bell was caused by very pissed off Catalino’s.

My thoughts were confirmed when Angelo yelled, “Vincent we have some business to handle!” I wasn’t scared of him. I was scared of having to see Gio. The way he had looked at me as I walked out the door would be an image I that never left my head. The pure anger and hate had me chilled to the bone.

“Vincent what the fuck did you so?” Georgie hissed at me. My eyes went over all their faces. They looked ready for a fight and they hadn’t even heard how I fucked up. My shoulders straightened when they nodded and motioned for me to lead. These boys were my life. We have always been together no matter what and me being selfish wanting to not only drag Gio in but be with him is fucked up.

I walked out of the back with no shoes no shirt and no fucking problem. My eyes went over first Angelo, then Cristiano, Francesco, Lucca, and then my eyes caught on Gio. His green eyes were hidden by sunglasses so all I could feel was the hate coursing off of him. I felt my heart stop in my chest and then resume when I realized I was not alone. I couldn’t let them see where my mind was at. They would all hate me if they knew.

“What are they doin’ here, Vin?” Georgie asked. I looked over at him, ripping my eyes away from Gio and found his emerald eyes piercing through Lucca. Lucca was looking right back at him with hate and when I looked at the other boys they were all staring down another boy in the group. I turned my eyes back to Gio and I found him right in my face. It scared the crap out of me so I pushed against his chest.

“What the fuck did I tell you about doin’ that shit!?” I hissed. Gio fell backwards into Angelo’s arms and for some reason that made me want to rip his head off.

“Vin, what are they doin’ here?” Leo asked, repeating Georgie’s question.

“Oh, you didn’t tell your boys about what the fuck you did?” Francesco hissed. My eyes went to him and I swear I almost choked on all the hate in the air.

Mafia Lovers~ Forbidden Lovers (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora