Please Don't Leave Me

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(A/N:Quickie) Sorry it took so long! Hopefully you love it!!!!!

~The picture is VINCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am trying to find Giovanni so hold in there ;)~


“I think we should all go out and have a hang out day,” Leo said as we all huddled in my room with the Catalino boys. It had been maybe a week since my whole ‘I-kissed-my-best-friend-got-caught-by-my-boy-friend-got-fucked-by-my-boyfriend’ thing. Gio won’t even look in my general direction since then. He said he needed space and boy is he taking it. 

1.He moved out of my room

2.He cut off sex, kissing, and any other contact

3.He won’t talk to me

It was making me feel sick. I missed holding him and kissing him and making love with him. I missed the way he could always make me feel better and how his smile made me lose myself. Fuck, I missed him. I had screwed up so bad and now I am so scared I lost the only person I have ever loved.

“Where would we go?” Frankie finally piped in. My eyes went over to Giovanni lying on my bed casually plucking the bed spread. His eyes were downcast so he couldn’t meet mine, but I knew he could feel my hot gaze on him. How could he not? My desperation was practically coming off in waves. 

“How about the warehouse?” Sammy piped in, standing next to Luca and Leo so he wouldn’t have to be near Angel. I was very closely watching those two ever since the whole incident. So far I have noticed that Angel likes to lean into Sammy’s ear and whisper things that makes Sammy stiffen and then glare. I also see Sammy raking his eyes down Angel’s body, which entertains me since he ‘doesn’t like him’. 

“What’s the warehouse?” Cris asked with interest.

“It’s like the tattoo shop,” Gio answered, finally hopping into our conversation. I looked over at him and his eyes met mine only to be ripped away a second later. 

Fuck I am an Idiota.

“Oh, fuck! Let’s go!” Georgie said with excitement. It had been maybe a month or so since we had last been. I missed the old place and I knew the guys did too by the way all of their eyes were glowing. 

I stood up and wiped my hands on my pants. “Let’s go then.” We all started to file out of the room except for me. I waited by the door carefully waiting for him. When he walked by, I snatched his arm and yanked him against me, catching him completely off guard. 

I didn’t hesitate. I slammed my mouth down to his and moaned when he whimpered beneath my mouth. 

“Guys?” Angel said with laughter in his voice. I waved them off and continued trying to deepen the kiss I craved. Gio fought against me so I flipped us over so his back was against the wall instead of mine. 

“Let me go,” he groaned as I broke the kiss. I gave him a look and then attacked his mouth all over again. My hands snaked around his back and down into his loose jeans and then his boxers. “Ahhh!” he moaned when I gripped his ass in my hands. 

“Seriously guys!” Ralph yelled. “It’s getting a little out of hand- or better yet in hand.” The boys snickered but I continued to knead his flesh while shoving my tongue past his lips as he gasped. 

“Vin,” he moaned against my mouth, making me want to go completely savage on him. I licked his lips and sucked the bottom one into my mouth just before being ripped away. I growled at the unknown cock blocker and almost punched the shit out of him when I met his blue eyes. 

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