What do you call it?

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“Where the fuck where you!?” My heart let up into my throat but I turned around and found my little brother instead of my pops. His brown eyes were glowing with worry as he grabbed the front of my shirt and yanked me into his arms. “I was so worried.”

I held onto my brother with my good arm and kissed into his hair. Brothers usually don’t have the kind of relationship me and Tommy have, but they also didn’t grow up like us. Tommy is my life. Without him I would be just like my pops and that is….terrifying to even think of.

“I’m sorry,” I finally said.

“Where were you?” he demanded as he pulled away.

I stared into his eyes and couldn’t help but think that he got those eyes from dad. The only difference between them was that Tommy has that sparkle while my pops’ have been soulless for a long time. He is cool at moments and I love him for it, but he is really not father material. He is more like a general.

“I stayed the night with Sammy,” I said. After I had been stuck with a flat tire, I had no choice but to call my second in command. Sammy had been all questions but after he got nothing he gave up. Thank god, but then I decided to stay over his house, which thinking back was probably the stupidest idea in the damn world. I knew pops would kill me and yet oh brilliant me still stayed.

“Sammy?” Tommy said as he crossed his arms over his chest with a ‘liar’ look.

“I am telling the truth, Tommy,” I said, pushing past him. I cauldn't deal with the third degree right now. I need some space even from Tommy.


"Save it, Tommy," I said. I touched the back of my head and groaned when I realized my room was the other way. I turned around and walked right into my shirt little brother, who was all bravado.

“Gio is here,” he said and boy did that have me snapping to attention. 

I gasped in surprise of his words and then grabbed my little brother by his shoulders and made him look at me. “Where is he?” Tommy gasped in surprise much like I had but his was from my tight grip on his shoulders. He stayed like that for a second but then quickly caught on to what was going on and narrowed his eyes at me with suspicious coming off of him in waves that threatened to drowned me.

“I-I have some unfinished business with him,” I lied. I never really had been a good liar when it came to my little brother. He sees through me like I am made of nothing but fucking glass.

Tommy rolled his eyes. “Big brother, I have known you for sixteen years, two of which I cannot recall. What in your small brain told you that lying to me would get you anywhere?”

I cursed and let him go. I ran my fingers through my messy hair and then read Tommy. Much liek he was to me, I could see through him as well and right about now he was giving me that look only Tommy could give me. “Tommy…I can’t tell you because I don’t know.”

He quirked his eyebrow, “I didn’t ask you anything.”

“Your eyes did.”

Tommy smiled. “And what did my eyes ask, Vinnie?”

I sighed. “They asked ‘what the fuck do you want with a boy you so call hate?’ the answer is, I have no fucking clue.” I rubbed my mouth. “It’s like when I am around him, I’m not alone which is weird since I am never fucking alone. My whole life I have had someone with me but-“

“He reminds you of yourself,” Tommy deadpanned. “Do you- ya know- like him?”

I chocked on the breath I had been taking and stumbled over the feet I had been pacing with.  I puffed my chest full of air, “Hell-“

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