2nd Fight Scene; 1st chapter

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Note: In no way are any of these stories supposed to link together.

(Main Character's POV)

I, a 15 year old asian boy walk down the corridors, my head hung low, pushing past multiple people, heading for my next club; The Literat- just kidding, I'm not a nerd. More of an antisocial basketball sweat to be honest. I slowly begin to space out with the calming pitter-patter of rain as background noise while I walk the familiar route that I've walked hundreds, possibly a thousand times, mulling over the recent school day. Maths, Double Biology, Music, P.E and English.
Daniel gets told off in almost every single subject, again.
Edward is a teachers pet in all lessons, again.
Lawrence barely escapes another detention, again.
Elijah reads under the desk during all of the lectures, again.
Leon and Luke don't show up for half of the classes, again.
Izzy gets more scandalising news about her multiple relationships, again.
Molly falls asleep during English, again.
Heidi takes ten times more notes than needed and doesn't speak for the entire lesson, again.
Nothing interesting ever happens here. School is an infinite loop of events I'm doomed to repeat until I die. When I die, I'll just be stuck in school still, this time as a spirit. I wonder whether I had bad karma or something in my previous life, which would explain why-

"Stop! I don't-"

The voice is cut off and followed by a sickening thwack, like something heavy hitting a wall that comes from around the corner. Pulling my scouts knife out of my pocket (I have a strange... interest in knives. Don't ask.) I sigh and start walking towards the commotion. The sight I saw there was just pitiful. Purely and simply pitiful.

Three seemingly seventeen year olds stand over a seemingly younger ginger haired, freckled girl, who is curled up, her hands attempting to covering her head, though whether it's for protecting her head or to try and massage it, I don't know.

MC:Yo, mind letting the poor girl go? Picking on someone younger than you is a real dick move.

The year students turn around, sensing more prey.
Sensing more prey? Maybe I should be in the Literature Club.
I immediately recognise the leader of the group, Alex, a blonde haired boy who is known throughout the school for his violence and general rebellious behaviour. He would be a cool kid, were it not for the fact that his behaviour usually leads to someone landing in hospital, and the school not expelling him like an idiot. The one on his left looked like a rugby (Football for you Americans) player, strongly built like a tank. He was going to be fun to deal with. The one on the right looked like a wing player. More of a runner than a boxer. My opponents sized up, I nod towards the girl.

MC: So why are you lot hurting her? Why not go for someone like me? Or are you looking for someone to do your homework because you've got nothing inside those thick craniums of yours? Oh wait, you don't know what cranium even means do you?

Mr.Tank starts walking towards me, the violence clear in his long strides. I give a patient smile and let him walk up to me. He towers over me, breathing heavily through his teeth. I refuse to look up, until he pushes me. Or rather, he pushes himself back. I, on the other hand, stay where I am. I drop my smile.

MC: Pushing people isn't very kind. Did your mother not teach you any manners?

I tut and shake my head.

MC: Then again, if she raised you like this then I'm not at all surprised.

Tankie lets out a roar and jumps at me, his hands outstretched, ready to choke me, so I sidestep and lifting my knee up as I do so, winding him and causing him to fold up in mid air. I straighten out my knee, swinging it up and then back down, axe kicking the back of his head and sending the hulking mass down into the ground.
I did all of this within seconds, without even having to use my knife, leaving the other three ( including the girl ) to just watch as TankTop collapses on the ground, gasping for air.

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