1st Fight Scene;1st Chapter

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You stand on the roof of the hotel on the wrong side of the safety fence, the wind lazily breezing past you and somehow untucking your shirt as well as messing your tie up. Looking down at the far, far drop below, you wonder how far down you can go before it'll be too late for your rocket boosters on your shoes to save you. Sighing, you sit down, contemplating life for a couple of minutes before going to bed.

That was the plan, at least.

An explosion shook the ground, roughly around the city centre, causing you to grab the safety fence for support while you watch a giant explosion happen, the smoke and flames rising up as if they were reaching for the heavens. You were going to just watch for a moment until you realised...

Your childhood best and only friend was supposed to be shopping there today.

You slowly straighten up, the rage building inside you, like a wildfire burning through you (If anyone knows where that's from I will follow you and vote on a story of yours) Though you cant see it, a mark appears on the back of your neck,allowing you to summon your trusty wire sword, a blade that can produce sharp, dangerous wires that allow you to seemingly teleport to locations around the near area, beside you, you step off the building, the rocket boosters on your feet kicking in (oops unintentional pun) sending you flying towards the explosion.

You'd better be safe, Sayori.

A/N: The first chapter, I'll finish this tomorrow, also I only used the name Sayori because it's the only name I could think of. Good night.

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