1st Fight Scene;3rd Chapter ( END )

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(Your POV)
I lay there trapped, under a body and what seems like a shield digging painfully into the back of my neck

Y/N:Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot this is bad this is bad this is bad

I wriggle and squirm,like a deer trapped in the grasp of a lion, but I can't get out. My shoes slap uselessly against the cement floor but that's the only space I have to work with.

???: Disappointing, this is what defeated my men? Honestly pathetic, such a- AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I managed to escape by turning on my rocket boosters on my shoes and burn his... backside. I return to my calm, serene mood as I pull my sword back out of the ground and watch this new enemy hop around. He wore a leather jacket with some sort of logo on it ( insert logo here, I prefer the NWG logo by Gustave Sautee, Gustave is a really good author, go follow him) and trousers that seemed to be made out of a reinforced material. His weapons was a grey shield with red lines on the edges, whether they were design choices or actual blood, I didn't know, but they certainly seemed sharp enough to cut through someone. A couple of seconds later, he stops holding his buttocks and stares at me with the intent to kill in his eyes and posture.


Y/N: That's healthy. I don't really care, to be honest, but do you mind giving me your name? For convenience's sake?

He grins at me.

Adrastos: You may call me... Adrastos

(Note: Adrastos is not an original character by me.)

Y/N: Hey doesn't that mean inescapable in Greek?

He splits his shield in two and turns them into dual swords, spinning them as he does so.

Y/N: You think you're hot shit don't you. Well...

I get my sword ready.

Y/N: I'm hotter.

He walks towards me.

Y/N: Trust me, mum said.

Adrastos dashes towards me, swinging wildly, barely giving me enough time to parry, block, and counterattack. But then again, that's how these battles were fought, with barely to no spare time to do anything fancy. I poked towards his unguarded ribs, but he parried, sending my momentum to the side, exposing my side and making him lunge towards me, so I moon flip over his head, sending my blade whistling towards the top of Adrastos' head, but he quickly re orientates himself and turns his swords into a shield that covers his head, deflecting my sword but also giving me a safe place to land. Credit where it's due, he immediately turned his shield back into swords, not giving me a chance to rest, but unfortunately for him I had already backflipped off. Still in the air due to the rocket boosters on my shoes, I pull a trigger on my sword, launching metres and metres of sharp wires at him in a single second. To my surprise, Adrastos doesn't turn his swords back into shields like I expected him to, but instead proceeds to deflect all of the wires to the side, making him look like some sort of hedgehog. I keep this up for a couple more seconds until it's clear that we're both at a standstill, and by then I have a plan.

Pulling the second trigger on my sword, I launch blunt, safety wires this time but at a faster pace. I see Adrastos' eyes widen with shock, but he still proceeds to deflect my wires although now some of them are slipping behind him, causing me to give myself a little smile. I hold my Wire Sword with a tighter grip and flip a switch on the opposite side of the handle, causing me to seemingly teleport behind Adrastos when really it's just that the switch I pulled changes how heavy the weapon is, allowing me to move much faster, but blocking my use of wires. As I swing my sword upwards at a diagonal angle, he pulls one of his swords down, blocking me from cutting him in two. I give him another grin, one with the certainty of victory, and poor man, he realises what my smile means and tries to run.

Unfortunately for him, his parrying led to a mess of wires surrounding him. I flip the switch on my Wire Sword again, and press the third trigger, reeling in the wires at two hundred mph (I couldn't think of a fast speed measurement sorry). The wires wrap around Adrastos, slowly friction burning him, as his screams of agony pierce the air. I watch and wait for the sharp wires to reel back...

And here they were now, ripping this poor villain to shreds.

Y/N: GG. Thank you for the good fight.

I start running.



The warehouse implodes, with Sayori at the entrance, her legs trapped beneath the rubble. She begins crying in pain as I run over to her to try to help her out. I start with moving some of the heavier rubble, such as the mounds of metal, with my safety ropes helping me move the rubble, while all the time attempting to calm her down. I eventually got her out, luckily it looked like the only damage that was done was to her shins and below. I carried her, firemen's lift style to the nearest ambulance to help her. I spent the whole night like that, saving people left and right.

(Timeskip two day)

I lean on the railing on the hospital, looking out over the city once again, the memories of what happened two nights ago flashing by. The doctors said that Sayori was really lucky; her shins and below weren't crushed or anything, they were just fractured in multiple places. "It's a miracle," they said. I sigh and look at the area where the whole incident happened. Apparently after I had beaten up Adrastos - somehow he didn't die - who was the leader of (insert gang name) all of them immediately surrendered, like how if one sheep disappears the rest go into chaos, giving the police a bunch of easy arrests. This was just supposed to be a normal arsenic attack, but luckily I was there. Amazingly, there were no deaths that night, apart from the arsenic planners of course. Annoyingly enough, security cameras managed to record the entire fight that I had, making me both famous and stressed. The fame was nothing but annoyance, I barely got any private times nowadays.

My phone started ringing, waking me up from my thoughts.It was Sayori.

Sayori: Hey Life Saver, are you done doing whatever you're doing up there?

Y/N: Yeah, what's wrong?

S: Nothing, I just need to see you for a second.

Y/N: Okay, I'll be at your hospital room in a mo. See ya soon.

S: S-See you.

Y/N: Why did she stutter at the end?

A couple minutes later, he was inside Sayori's room. She had a piece of paper in her hands, which were shaking. I begun to rush to her side

Y/N: Are you alright? What's wrong?

Sayori took a deep breath.

S:I... I like you more than a friend. You've b-been my friend ever since I can remember, and it's only when you were saving me from that rubble that I realised, I'm i-in love with y-you. I understand if you d-don't feel the same-

I cut her off with a kiss to the lips. After we separated, I looked into her eyes and grasped her hands.

Y/N: You don't need to finish that sentence ever again. I feel the same way, Sayori.

We kissed again.

S:So I guess we're a thing now.

Y/N: Yep.

S:How will the media react?

Y/N: I don't care how they react.

We leaned in for one last kiss, before I had to leave. At the door I stopped and turned around.

Y/N: I love you, Sayori.

S:Love you too.

Maybe happy endings do exist, somewhere in the world, after all.

A/N: WOOOOOOT This was a doozy. 1396 words all in one sitting. I probably have diabetes now, having not moved for 2 hours. Feel free to request or something. Also go check out Gustave Sautee, he's a really good writer and inspired me to start this. K bye.

P.S that ending was just me attempting romance and trying to cheer myself up lol

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