AfterMath 4... AWWW!

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Abby was once again sitting the red couched with her feet up on the table, but something was different

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Abby was once again sitting the red couched with her feet up on the table, but something was different. Oh right she had a brand new accessory by Lovestruck And Blind. Oh yeah. 

It's Louis.

Louis is sitting next to Abby and holding her hand while she talks about her money, and clothes, and perfume. He didn't care about any of that, but Abby had him under a thing I liked to call it the Blonde Lovestruck Spell. It happens once in a blue moon when a really hot girl falls for a slightly less hot guy, and he thinks he's super lucky. Then he falls head over heels for her, and she dumps him. 

But for some reason, the dumping part hasn't happened yet. It's been a whole month. I don't know why? Maybe she actually likes him? Nah that can't be it. Can it? 

I was working at the shop and observing the two. I had to work even harder because Jenny was currently on her first date of the FabSingles website trial. I was awful at making chocolate molds, most of them looked like a fat man, or a scruffy dog. Even the hearts looked like little hairballs that some cat threw up.

I had worked on the same heart for an hour now and had finally gotten it close to being correct. I succeeded in making it, and I poured some hot chocolate flavor candy into it. I waited for it to be almost dry, then I mixed some caramel in. I walked over to the freezer and put it in a bucket of ice. 

I turned back around, and observed the two lovebirds. Abby was still talking to Louis, but I saw Louis reach behind his back and grab a tiny pink box wrapped with a giant sparkly red bow. Great another future-Valentines Day present for Abby. I can't bear to watch another silly present from a lovestruck guy to "Princess" Abby. It was gonna be pathetic.

The gift was almost always a heart shaped necklace, or something jewelry related with hearts. It never changed. Well until today. 

I had to leave for my fifth date in about ten minutes, if they didn't hurry, I wouldn't get to know what was in that box. I decided to hurry along the plot line. "HEY LOUIS!" I yelled, and both Louis and Abby looked over at me. "What's in the box?" I gestured to the small box he was hiding behind his back. He glared at me and sighed.

He smiled at Abby and handed her the pink box. She applauded a little and smiled while blushing. She's so extra, I thought. I walked over to see what she got. WHAT? I was curious? Louis looked absolutely mortified that now there were two girls judging him.

Abby ripped open the gift. It was a little palet of eyeshadow, except it didn't have a brand name. Both Abby and I looked up at Louis with little question marks in our eyes. It smelled good.

Louis saw our questioning looks and explained, "I thought you might look pretty in some new eyeshadow, so I went to the store to look for some, but I didn't find any I thought you would like... So I made some. I thought that would be sweet... I even made them smell like chocolate for you." He was blushing furiously, man I would be too if i'd made a gift like that.

That's so sweet. Now it's time for me to meet my awful fate of another terrible date. Now let me go. I'm tell you about it in a little bit.

To be Continued...

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