Chapter 17

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Leo's POV

After last night's campfire, I was shook. The way they were claimed was scary as Hades and AMAZING at the same time. I went back to my cabin silently. All my friends just walked in silence back to their cabins so I was alone except for Calypso. Since she wasn't a demigod she didn't have a cabin and Chiron was kind enough to let her stay in the Hephaestus cabin while she was at CHB. We walked silently. Usually, in our cabin, there is a lot of chatter but tonight it was silent. Everyone was scared out of their minds, I think or maybe just intimidated. Noctis and Nox would be staying in the Hades cabin until we had them their cabins. The second my head hit the pillow I was asleep. 

I was back at my mom's workshop. I was only a little kid and did not know how to control my powers. I was sitting in a circle of flames. I could see two women and only one of them was going to make it out of the workshop that night. But tonight the dream was different. Something darker was present. Darkness was seeping in from everywhere. It was swallowing me. It was coming from the ground, the sky, it was coming from everywhere. Then nothing. There was no noise, no feeling, just darkness. 

I woke up screaming. That was TOTALLY embarrassing. Calypso was the first one there at my side. We started walking to the lake and then I saw two figures on the beach. I walked closer and saw that it was Percy and Annabeth. Percy was sitting down with his head on his knees. Annabeth was kneeling next to him trying to comfort him. 

"Guys, was it the same nightmare?" I asked. 

"Yes, but it was different, it was darker. Darkness was coming in from everywhere then nothing," Percy stammered. 

"Same bro. I think their power is seeping into our dreams. Our darkest dreams," I said solemnly. 

We just sat there in silence for what seemed like hours. The started coming up and then it was breakfast time. When we got to the tables I could see that most people didn't sleep well even Chiron. Most ate breakfast in silence and no one objected when people mixed tables. After we were done eating Chiron announced capture the flag. 

Blue team - Nyx, Erebus, Hades, Apollo, Hecate, Demeter, and Hermes

Red team - Poseidon, Athena, Ares, Zeus, Aphrodite, Iris, and Hephaestus

This would be fun! 


The battle was raging. Noctis and Nox were fighting like demons. They had these awesome powers like way cooler than mine. They were shooting orbs of blackness which were probably dark energy. The power would paralyze for a few seconds so that other people could capture them. I walked up behind Noctis with fire blazing. I was trying to be quiet but I stepped on a stick. It made a loud crack. Noctis turned around. She looked me straight in the eyes and summoned dark orbs. I scanned my surroundings to make an escape plan. Nox was backed up against a wall of boulders. Standing on the edge of the forest was Percy, Annabeth, Victoria, and Clarisse. I looked back to Noctis. She shot a dark orb at me. It rocketed towards me and I ducked. Since I was a head taller than Nox and the orb was heading for my head. Well, you can guess. The orb hit the boulders above his head and it buried him under the ruble. 

"Nox! Somebody help me!" Noctis screamed. 

Everyone in the woods came rushing out. They were trying to help lift the boulders but they were too heavy. I could see Victoria trying her best. She was muttering something probably to her dad. All of a sudden Victoria started glowing red. She put her hands under the boulder and lifted it with ease. She put the boulder down and rushing to pull Nox out of the rubble. 

"You need to get him to the infirmary now," Victoria boomed

She seemed like a different person. Just as soon as the red glow came it left. Based on the smile on her face I think she liked being powerful, not having to rely on other people. 


We went to the big house to explain what happened. After we told him everything he decided that Victoria would stay at camp and the night cousins would go to school with us. They seemed pretty excited to go to school with us because they told me that at their old schools they were alone. They were shunned just like me. 

Hey guys! This may be the last update for about a week because I am going to Disney on a band trip. I will Try to update at the hotel but IDK if I will. SO..... I will update as soon as I get back..... maybe


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