Chapter 2 (updated)

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Percy's POV

I was standing in front of my locker looking at a picture of Annabeth, gods I missed her. I had not seen her for about a month. High school can go to Hades (now I feel bad for my uncle). My daydreaming was interrupted when I heard the distinctive clicking of the she-devil herself accompanied by her pair of gods forsaken pink heels. In her words, she had to make a statement. She is probably the most popular girl here at school and could get any guy she wants but she has her filthy eyes glued on me. She's been trying to get in my pants since the beginning of the school year, but she has nothing on Annabeth.

"What do you want?" I hissed as I slammed my locker. A picture of Annabeth floated to the floor and I leaned down to pick it up.

"Why Percy don't you look good today. Almost as good as me," Victoria said her words dripping in sugar as she giggled (I guess she thinks guy find that attractive).

"Go away Victoria," I snapped.

"First let me ask you a question," she responded, "You know how prom is next month and since I don't have a date, would you like to take me."

"No, I have a girlfriend," I responded flatly as I flashed to fallen picture.

"Honey, you can admit you found that picture in a magazine," her hair wrapped around her spindly finger and giggled again, "you don't have to lie to me."

I was tired of Victoria. I tried to leave her alone but she just would not leave me alone. I was so uncomfortable that I didn't even realize that my hand had slipped into my pocket. My fingers closed around the cool metal of riptide. Gladly celestial bronze can't harm humans or she would have been Cerberus bait in ten seconds flat.

A nameless finger lightly tapped my shoulder. I turned around ready to confront what ever insufferable bachelorette was dying for my attention this time.

A pair of soft lips met mine. My eyes froze in horror. Not even Victoria had to balls to do that. After a second, I realized who had kissed me. Annabeth Chase, my girlfriend. I melted into the kiss. It has been too long since my lips had touched hers, and I never wanted the moment to end. Her lips parted as if she wanted more, but the moment was ruined by a screech from behind me.

"Get your filthy paws off my boyfriend," Victoria screeched.

"Victoria, for the last time I have a girlfriend," I said, clasping my arm around Annabeth's shoulder, "Victoria, meet Annabeth, my very much real girlfriend."

"Percy, you could do so much better than her, with me for example. Where did she even come from? The dumpster behind an orphanage? Look at her, she's wearing sweatpants. A true fashion tragedy," Victoria said revealing her she-demon ways. I don't know what she was talking about because Annabeth looked drop dead gorgeous in her San Fransisco shirt and black sweat pants. Her soft honey blond curls perfectly framed her angelic face. Gods I'm so in love.

"For your information, I just got off a flight from San Francisco, and who are you to talk, trailer trash barbie?" Annabeth spat. Damn she was hot.

Victoria scrunched up her face and spun on heel with a hump. Her heels angrily clicking down the hall.

I put my hand on Annabeth's waist and pulled her into my chest. I don't ever want to let her go.

"I have a surprise for you," she whispered in my ear. A tingle ran down my spine as she intertwined her fingers in mine. She pulled me down the hall towards the gym (I guess she already had a tour).

Walking through the gym doors, I spotted a group of teenagers. Walking closer, I realized this was the "surprise". Standing before my eyes were the smiling faces of Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso, Thalia, Reyna, Nico, and Will. How they convinced the gods to let this happen I don't know, but I'm not gonna complain. This year is gonna be awesome.

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