"You get to just keep all the pretty ones to yourself Justin? They can't all be yours." he replies rather snarky.

"Hi." I say shyly. I am shoving my hands in my pockets wishing I was anywhere but here.

Kyle gives me a flirty look. I smile and look around to find where Justin has run off to. I have no luck, he is gone. He probably went to find a girl to make out with no doubt.

It has been about an hour now and the amount of people here has more than doubled. I walk outside to get some fresh air. It reeks of alcohol and teenage desperation in there.

Looking around I see people that don't even go to our school here. Not that I'm surprised but this guy has a lot of friends. I suppose that is natural when you are linebacker for the state's best high school football team.

I still am not used to this whole high school party thing. Even though Justin takes me to enough of them. I don't think I can ever get used to being a gazelle in a den of drunk lions.

I look around once more and come to an obvious conclusion. I do not have any friends here except Justin and he is nowhere to be found. I wonder why I let him talk me into coming to this. I flash back to his puppy dog eye and sigh. I start walking to his car so I can read my book that I brought. Thank goodness I did that. There is still a chance for me to salvage the evening with my book. I just realized how sad I sound, but the characters in my book don't care.

I hear a familiar voice call after me. "Jessie" it shouts.

Justin runs up to me and grabs my shoulder to turn me around, "Where ya going?"

"Oh, I was thinking Mexico or Panama. Somewhere I can get a nice tan." I say sarcastically tapping on my chin.

"Very funny. Why are you out here?" He looks concerned. "Did Kyle do something?" he raises his eyebrows.

"No, but to be honest, these are your friends. You know parties like this aren't really for me. Besides you, I have no one else to talk to."

"People come up and talk to you, you just don't say much then you walk away," he looks as if I hurt his feelings, "You come to parties like this with me all the time. Why is now different? Just do what you normally do." He pleads. There are his puppy dog eyes again.

"You normally drag me to these. I always just sit around and watch." I joke nudging him. "I was just going to stay out here to read my book. We don't have to leave. Maybe I can take your car and go to a coffee shop, read my book and come back?" I raise my eyebrows hoping he lets me drive his precious mustang. He treats the car as if were his child. "I can be back at 10:30?" I prod him for his answer.

"Okay just be careful. I don't want you to hurt her." he refers to his car. Carefully he hands me his keys.

"I'll bring her back in one piece." I grad the keys from him. "Thank you."

"Alright. I'll see you in a little bit." Smiling he turns away and walks back into the house.

I drive into town until I reach the closest Starbucks. Which to my surprise, isn't too far from Kyle's house? I walk up to the barista and order my favorite drink. A tall Java Chip Frappuccino. I wait a few minutes then receive my coffee.

I am thanking myself for bringing my book. I was so excited to read this book. All my friends said it was awesome. It's called, "Wamped. "It's a fascinating book about this girl, who is born a witch but she gets turned into a vampire by her boyfriend. The twist is she is still a witch so she is trying to cope with being both things.

I sit down in my favorite chair and prepare myself to enter the wonderful world that is fiction books.

I take the last sip of my drink and check my phone to take a break from the twists and turns of the supernatural. My eyes open wide, It's 11'o clock! I have 5 missed calls from Justin. Crap! I run out to the car and hurry to Kyle's house to get Justin. I hope Justin doesn't think the worst.

Can Good Girls Change Bad Boys? (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now