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Jungkook ended the day quite cheerfully even though it was hectic for the first day but he didn't care. He was way too much content and happy to care about that. Singing and hopping his way home like a kid, Jungkook only thought about the next day when he wouldn't have to wear a costume but a uniform that he got today. Speaking of that devilish thing, he was going to flame it up first.

When he reached home, he pushed the door open and stepped in. It took a moment for him to catch up with the fact that his door lock had been picked. Jungkook's senses immediately activated and he became alert of his surroundings. Who could have broken into his apartment and why? He wasn't rich or living a fancy life. What could there be for someone to steal?

Unless someone wanted to kill him!

Jungkook was busy contemplating whats and hows as he walked when the lamp in his bedroom flicked on and a figure glowed on his bed. Jungkook reacted out of instinct and threw whatever he had in his vicinity at the intruder who had a very gloomy yet enraged aura around him. The attack was however blocked with a simple and smooth motion towards the side.

Jungkook was yet to form his words when the intruder spoke up.

"Who told you that?"

The voice clicked right on but the cold tone gave the brunette some serious chills.


Jungkook slapped himself mentally for stuttering and hoped the other would ignore it. But what creeped him out more than anything was that Taehyung had picked his lock, invaded his home, was sitting in his bed like a deceased ancestor and sounded like a ghost that came to haunt him until he would agree to help him find peace.

"Why did you say that?"

Taehyung asked again in deep dark voice which made Jungkook freeze in his spot but it was just momentary. He gulped down the sensation and shook the intimidating feeling off of himself before moving towards the switch to turn on the other lights of his home and get rid of the gloomy atmosphere.

"Drop the act, already. It has lost its effect now."

Jungkook walked away towards the bathroom ignoring Taehyung completely but never made it there since Hoseok blocked his path. The same chilly aura surrounding him as well.

"He asked you a question. Answer him."

Jungkook felt like he was suddenly shooting a thriller and the thought made him scoff. Not a very appropriate action to be done in the situation he was in. Taehyung immediately got up and came to stand next to Hoseok, facing Jungkook.

"You have their name, I see. Tell me. Who said that?"

Jungkook pressed his lips in a thin line as he thought about how funny those two looked trying to be all serious and mysterious when their blonde and red hair color was screaming 'fluff balls'.

"Can you please talk like a normal person? You two look like clowns right now. And to answer your question, I have no freaking idea what you're talking about."

Taehyung kept his cold glare on Jungkook while Hoseok sighed tiredly after hearing that.

"I told you it won't work. You don't and will never be able to look like a killer. Same goes for me. I'm a literal sunshine."

Hoseok walked towards Jungkook's bed and sat down waiting for his partner to give up on the childish idea already. Granted, Taehyung never gets angry but when he does, the blonde becomes very scary, however, that doesn't give him extra brain so he still makes stupid decisions. No wonder he decided to scare Jungkook in anger.

Seeing Hoseok giving up on playing along, Taehyung had no other choice than to let it go as well.

"I guess we are too much of sweet hearts, huh?"

Jungkook snorted uncontrollably at that earning a smack from Taehyung on his back since he was busy looking at Hoseok and had his back turned towards the blonde but it didn't affect him so Jungkook didn't even wince. Taehyung's hits never bothered him anyway.

"Don't change the topic here. Jungkook, answer me. Why did you say that?"

Taehyung dismissed the off topic discussion immediately to make sure no one forgets the 'important' thing here but Jungkook was still not on the same page with him so he didn't get it this time either.

"I hate to break it to you again, Tae, but would you mind filling me in on what you're going on about?"

Before Taehyung could start, Jungkook added.

"Oh and one more thing. I just realized I never got to know your name. I just know you like to be called Tae Tae."

Taehyung was about to tell him why he was here but the way Jungkook called his self proclaimed nick sounded way too kinky to Taehyung and he blushed instantly.

"I-it's Ta-Taehyung. But you can- *ahrm* you can call me T-Tae."

Taehyung knew he looked horrible by stuttering but he couldn't control it. He was suddenly feeling like his throat was drying up too much and his face was heating up continuously despite the weather being cold.

Hoseok was quick to catch up with it and since he was not an asshole like his blonde friend in such situations, he decided to take Taehyung's side to put him at ease by quickly butting in before Jungkook could make fun of the nervous wreck that was Taehyung.

"Enough with the introduction. Now answer the question quickly so we can go home. I'm in a hurry."

The idea worked and Jungkook didn't get to mess with Taehyung. That didn't mean he would never do it. It was a weapon for next battle now that he would make sure to use in this very life. Letting it go for now, Jungkook gave a sly smirk before reminding them again that he still wasn't aware of their reason of visit.


Hoseok sighed and closed his eyes in irritation before Jungkook could voice his question for the nth time today and started speaking with the speed of light.

"You called Tae a hoe and we want to know why you said that? If someone told you that then give us the name so we can kill the motherfucker and rest in peace because I HAVE BEEN HOLDING MY PEE FOR FIVE FREAKING HOURS. SO SPEAK UP NOW BEFORE I SHOWER YOU BOTH WITH MY GLORIOUS DRINK."

Taehyung was sporting a smug look on his face but as Hoseok's voice and speed raised so did Taehyung's eyebrows. Jungkook was hanging between amusement and astonishment. These two guys had massive mood swings and he was wondering what more was there for him to witness if they stayed around him for a few more days. But keeping his thoughts to himself, Jungkook decided to put an end to Hoseok's misery and replied monotonously.

"Your short friend said that."

Taehyung blinked again to make sure he heard right.

"Sho- Jimin? He said that?"

Jungkook nodded carelessly feeling like he was doing something wrong here but he ignored the feeling since Taehyung looked like he was just exposed. The reasoning Jungkook gave to himself didn't make sense but he couldn't care less. Taehyung and his personal life had nothing to do with Jungkook. Nothing. At all. Not even a tiny bit. Not even- okay maybe a little bit, but not too much. Yeah. But he won't say it. Nope. Never.


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