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Taehyung groaned in pain as he turned in his sleep and tried to decide which area hurt most since his entire form was aching like he did hard labour for two days straight. He finally opened his eyes and tried to adjust to the brightness which he couldn't decide whether it was because of the sunlight or the the bulb in the room he was in. Taehyung didn't bother much as he sat up and moved slightly only to fall down with a thud.


Taehyung rubbed his elbow as he cursed. He looked up and saw that he fell from a table. A table that didn't belong to him. Taehyung ignored that for a while since he was in pain. Not long after he had opened his eyes did his head started to throb.

"Why me~?"

Taehyung whined as he felt the pain hammering his head from the inside while his whole body already hurt like a bitch. He wanted to bang his head on the wall to end the pain but at the same time he wanted to stay still so that his body doesn't hurt more.

Taehyung held his head in one hand as he dejectedly tried to get up and look for some painkillers. Once his eyes settled to his surroundings he realized his kitchen had changed a lot.

"When did I do this?"

The first thing Taehyung thought of was that he might have bought a new place since he fought with Hoseok and announced to leave his previous place to Hoseok in anger.

"Did I really move out after getting drunk? And where did I get the money for it?"

Taehyung mumbled to himself as he took in the details of the kitchen he was standing in. It was loaded with different things as if he was trying to stock his cabinets and shelves for a year. The only thing in this situation that actually bothered him, apart from the pain, was how did he get it all in one night?

"Did I rob a bank?"

Taehyung felt another sting of pain as he tried to use his brain to recall the events from last night after drinking so he let it go for a while. If he did commit a crime to get it all, the cops would be on his throat in a short while so why should he put much effort into finding out about it and cause himself more headache?

With that in mind, Taehyung searched the kitchen and finally found painkillers. He took them and then downed a glass of water before moving out and checking out the rest of the rooms. He was curious about his drunk self's taste in things which contradicted his sober self's, greatly.

Once the pain subsided to a bearable level, Taehyung started to walk around slowly, looking and touching everything like he was in a museum.

"What happened to my sense? This is so.. unattractive!"

Taehyung mumbled as he eyed the painting on the wall. He walked up and opened the door of the room that came first in his way and stepped in. He looked around for the switch and once he found it, Taehyung flicked it on. There was a computer placed on the table with wrappers of instant noodles and biscuits littered around the keyboard.

"That's not my favourite flavor."

Taehyung scrunched his nose as he lifted the empty ramen cup and read the label. Upon further observation, he noticed scattered clothes on the ground, mostly white shirts.

"But these are so plain~. Do I have another person living in me who wakes up when I get drunk or what?"

Taehyung rubbed his chin as he kicked the clothes out of his way and tried to avoid the things scattered in his feet as he walked. After looking down in disgrace at the things in the room he shook his head and walked out.

There was only one more room which he opened with a sigh waiting for more disgusting things and, sure enough, he wasn't disappointed as soon as he turned on the light. The first thing he saw was a bed with messed up bed cover. The cover was plain black and white.

"Why on earth did I leave the bed and sleep in the kitchen? And what in the hell is up with this black and white theme of the entire place?"

Taehyung scratched his head as he walked towards the bed to observe the design of the bed and the other things in the room. The wall behind the bed head had a poster of a silhouette of a man holding a dumbbell in each hand.

"I bought that?"

Then he noticed that the side table had a plain lamp of white color with more wrappers of candies and a glass of water with a bottle placed on it.

"Do I have such a trashy second personality?"

Taehyung spun around slowly as he gawked at everything messily thrown away in the room. He walked towards the window and looked outside.

"Did I sleep with my window closed?"

Taehyung mumbled as he unlocked the window and opened it to let the fresh air come in and lighten his mood.

"Aah~ It feels like I just escaped a prison."

Taehyung said as he inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. He was enjoying the moment when a click of lock and turning of door handle was heard. The sound came from within the room so Taehyung looked at the only door inside the room he could see and waited for a random girl to walk out wearing his shirt, looking sexy, ready to tell him how much 'fun' they had together. Taehyung gulped when the door opened but when a figure stepped out and came in his view, fun was the first word that abandoned him in a split second. Taehyung stared in horror as he watched the person look up and meet eyes with Taehyung. Once they met, Taehyung could only mumble one thing that he was sure would happen any moment now.

"I'm fucked."


Bunny Lover (Taekook) ✓Where stories live. Discover now