Chapter Nine - { Green and Yellow }

Comenzar desde el principio

"I-I....I don't...understa-" Your words were cut off as sharp pain shot through your body causing all your movements to stop completely.

"Ah..." Your body began to heat up to an unbearable temperature. 

"My daughter..."

"(Y/N)?" Shiro waved his hand in front of your face. Allura turned to you.

"Can you hear me?" You were confused, who was talking to you?

"What happened?!" She said with a panicked voice. She reached over and touched the side of your face. As soon as she did she pulled her hand back, and yelped in pain. You looked at her with fear swimming in your eyes as you fainted unable to stand the heat any longer. You fell over onto Shiro's lap. He looked down at you with big wide eyes. Your body was shaking violently, you were so hot it nearly burned through his pants. He quickly moved out from under your body catching your head with his metal hand before it hit the floor.

"(Y/N) please..can you hear me?'s urgent!" The voice you heard was the one Allura's reminded you of. Your mother's.

"M-Mother..? Yes, I can hear you.."

"(Y/N)?!" Allura almost screamed. She was panicking, she leaned over to your face. Your eyes were closed, and the markings under your chin began to glow a bright and blinding orange. "Coran what's happening?!" She yelled at the man. He rushed over to you and glanced all down your body. His hands shook as he examined your body.

"Take off her sweater! I need to see the rest of her body" He said helping Shiro take off your sweater. You were wearing a tank top underneath. Coran quickly rolled you over, as to not burn himself, onto your stomach and looked at your back. Your markings had begun to spread down and around your arms.

"H-her markings! They...they're spreading....I-I have no idea how her clothes are still intact with this heat..." He whispered.

"Listen my child, I knew this day would come and I knew your powers would begin to reach the surface.. so please try and calm yourself, if you do that you'll be able to lower your body heat"

You listened to what she said and tried to calm yourself down. You could still hear everyone around you panicking trying to figure out what was wrong with you, you wanted to tell them but your mouth wouldn't open.

"Guys! She's cooling down!!" You heard Coran say.

"Good, now listen, you are in grave danger. I can't talk to you much longer but you need to find the White Lion! She can help you. She will provide you with protection, like she did with me. You have to find her! She can suppress your powers. Please darling find her. My daughter, I love you very much..please never think that I and your father abandoned you. Just know that we both love you and that we did what we could."

"The White Lion....Mother, how do I find her?" You said confused. All you could do was talk to her and even that made you scared because you didn't know how she was able to reach you. You had no idea what was happening. When she didn't answer you called out to her again.

"Mother...?!" You yelled. You became terrified. Where did she go? This is the first time you've been so close yet so far. You felt yourself and the weird energy fading away.

'' you thought as you drifted further into the darkness. Soon you leaped up off the floor surprising everyone around you.

"Mother....." You whispered gently breathing heavily.

"(Y/N)! Oh my god! What happened?" Allura exclaimed rushing to your side.

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