"You, you fucking-you didn't-you... mothingfuckingcocksucking bastard TRAITOR!" Raven scooped me up as I heard Axel reprimand me calmly for language while more than a few of the others busted out laughing. North? He smirked. I was thrown over Ravens shoulder, and he strode toward the apartment with me. I struggled, and his hand came down sharply on my ass! The sound rang through the lot, and everyone stilled-all eyes on me as I bolted straight up, my hands braced on the curve of his butt, eyes wide.

"You will put me down this instant Bear or I'll tell everyone how you wore pink underwear for a month and forgot to clean your guns twice in the Dreamscapes!" I hissed in Russian, smacking Raven's back and kicking as hard as I could.

"That does not matter to me, I'll just ask South to do it. South!" He shouted his version of North's name, turning with me over his shoulder.

"Robin?" North growled, watching with.... Amusement? Pervert.

"She tried to run. I warned her. What should I do?"

"What you warned her of course." His grin spread. "I'm sure Gabriel wouldn't mind helping. Or Corey. Or Axel. Or any of us really." I was going to kill them. All of them. Then bring them back to life and kill them again. Then I realized how quickly they'd defused my earlier anger, how they'd flipped the whole mood around, how I wasn't thinking plans anymore.... And I felt grudging respect for how sneaky they were.

"I know what you're doing." I sang, kicking my feet back and forth as I propped my chin in my hands, letting a grin twitch my lips up.

He. Smacked. My. Ass.


"Are you going to leave again?"

"I don't know, are you going to keep smacking my ass?"

"Hmmm depends on if you're going to run from me again."

It was then I heard the genuine worry and fear underlying his tone. He didn't want me to leave. I tapped his back lightly, asking him to put me down, and he must have sense the change in my tone, letting me slide down the front of his body-feeling just how hard and....big.... He was. He kept his hands on my waist, and I reached up to put mine on his face, bringing his gaze to mine.

"Axel and I talked. I'm not going anywhere, not for a while. If I do leave, you'll be the first to know. I won't sneak away again." He examined me, trying to determine if I was lying, and I let my walls down so he could see I was serious before he pulled me to him, crushing me to his chest and burying his face in my hair, breathing deeply. I wrapped my own around his waist, nestling in and letting myself melt into his embrace. It felt good.

A throat cleared, and I looked up, seeing that the rest of their odd group had followed us through the doors. I flipped them off, my throat tightening so I didn't think I could verbally tell them to go to hell....

~Sean POV~

I watched the slight girl hide behind Raven. I don't think she even realized she was doing it, shifting so he sheltered more than half her body, her head dipping to the side so she peaked around him adorably. I could see a few of my brothers hiding smiles at her, and I glared at them-she was clearly a flight risk, the last thing we wanted to do was send her bolting in the other direction, as we'd already once. Speaking of.... I turned my glare on my best friend, waiting for Owen to fidget with his tie in his signature move of discomfort before I softened it and stepped up next to him, brushing him with my elbow. He shot me a look, and I smiled, running a hand through my curls and looking between him and Pookie meaningfully. He had to apologize sooner than later, and he knew it too. But, my dear friend wasn't the smartest of the lot of us when it came to ladies. He'd put his foot in his mouth again before tomorrow, I was sure of it-and there was nothing I could do about it. Besides smack his glasses off his face and cut holes in all his suits. Or have Luke take all his socks and underwear again. Or both. Both were appealing. I caught Luke's eye, letting him in on my thoughts, and he grinned in return.

~Luke POV~

Oh Sean was feeling evil today. I wasn't sure what all had happened in the last few hours since we'd realized Sang wasn't returning and Victor tracked her phone to find her only to have her run again.... And I didn't know what had made her run in the first place, but meeting Sean's gaze right now and reading what he was telling me.... It had something to do with Mr. B and he wanted my help to get revenge if he didn't right it. I grinned, glancing around to see who else I could pull into this.... And my eyes landed on Cupcake. Oh yes, revenge would be ours.....

~North POV~

I knew they were up to something. All of them. Every last one of the fucking mischief makers. But right now? I didn't care. I knew it wouldn't be directed at me, as I wasn't a part of the 'drive Sang away' group, and if anything I'd be happy to lend a hand... or just turn a blind eye. I couldn't pull one over on anyone, I'd rather yell at them until they got the message. I wasn't sneaky like Luke, but I'd be the fucker was about to pull the best prank he had yet....

I looked at the little blond girl who had my brothers in a tizzy and felt my face soften from its usual scowl. For the first time, I didn't think it'd be such a bad thing if we followed Robert's orders and made her apart of our group.

"It's late for a meeting, is there anything that must be spoken of before tomorrow morning?" Mr. B looked around, pushing his glasses up and straightening his tie, then repeating the motion. Odd, was he actually nervous? He raised his brow when no one spoke up, then gave a sharp nod. "All right. Miss Sang, I'll speak with you in the morning. We're adjourned for the time, please go to your respective apartments or dwellings as you see fit." He turned sharply on his heel, pushing through the doors. Sean scowled, running his hand through his hair, rumpling the curls more than they already were. He and Luke exchanged looks again, then did the same with Gabriel and Marc. All of them had odd smiles on, seeming to come to some conclusion as they glanced to Sang-who seemed oblivious to the whole ordeal.

"I'll take Luke home North if you have something you want to do." Sean chimed, overly cheery. I narrowed my eyes on him in a scowl, telling him to spill, but he smiled and walked out-Luke on his heals.

"Gabriel I'll give you a ride." Marc spoke up, which made absolutely no sense seeing as Victor usually gave him and Silas a ride home. Something was defidently up-but did I really wan to stop it? He glanced at Sang again. "Sang do you want to come along?"

"Where Little Warrior goes I go." Raven spoke before she had a chance to answer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. I wanted to growl, pull her toward me-but quickly squashed the urge. They couldn't be a thing, right? No she'd just known him the longest. She probably barely remembered my name, now way would she let me touch her with any kind of familiarity.

Marc and Gabriel exchanged looks, Gabriel doing something on his phone before nodding, speaking instead of Marc. "Raven and Corey may come as well if you'd like Sang."

Sang coughed, clearing her throat, opening her mouth once before giving up and nodding, shifting so she was nestled closer to Robin. I scowled, but turned to the culprits.

"All right, spill." My voice was a growl, and they grinned, looking to eachother, than Raven and Corey. Before I could stop them, they darted for the doors-all five of them gone as I yelled after them-the car started and they tore out the lot, leaving me shaking my head with a smirk. Devils and fuckers the lot of them-except Sang of course. Sang was just as innocent as a babe in all this. Sang Baby.

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