Chapter 2

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"Now!! Tell me kid, where you  heading?", I asked her.
"Ju-Just to the next town.",she stuttered.
"You planning on walking another 7 kms!!",I asked her amused.
She nodded lightly.
I stood up pulled my hood over my head and started walking.
"Come on kid!! I'll drop you. Don't worry I don't bite!!",I said without looking back.
I looked back over my shoulder, seeing the little girl follow quietly, I went up to my vintage Porshe Escape and opened the passenger seat door for her. She got in them I got in the driver's seat and started driving.
After 1 hour of driving in silence with only the radio talking....

"So....", I say breaking the uncomfortable silence, " What were you doing in that weird bar all alone anyway??" "Where are your parents , kid? Did you lost them.. I mean are you lost?" She kept silent. I humped and said," Fine. Don't tell me, but at least tell me your name!!". Nothing not a word . Giving up I turn my eyes to the road. "My name is Vida, I ran away from home." She said in such a small voice that I almost didn't hear it. I smiled and just nodded, not wanting to make her further uneasy.
"Hey! Come on. Move away!! Let the car pass.", I asked the gang of bikers who were having a good time ( note the sarcasm) in the middle of the road. They just ignored me.
"Hmph", I sighed. "Ok V!! I'm gonna to our and asked them to give a bit space, do not come out of the car. Have I made myself clear!!" She nodded.
I opened the car door and went to who seemed like the leader of the group. "Hey!! Move your bike, we need to go." He just looked at me and signaled his comrads to deal with me. "Dude! I don't want to fight, just let the car pass."  I was trying to negotiate when two arms wrapped around my shoulders preventing me to move. They started advancing towards me. I tried hard to move away from the grip but I couldn't.  Now this is quite an emergency, right? I closed my eyes, when ......
"Oww !!" One of the assholes shouted and fell to the ground. He had hurt his head. Suddenly small stones began to be thrown out of nowhere and attacking the men. The men got scared and ran away because there seemed to be no one who threw the stones. I was least bothered. I looked at the car and ..
" V! Where are you?" I exclaimed. " V! Where are you?" I shouted again.
Just then I felt a soft tug on my sweatshirt. I looked down.. I was shocked to see Vida appear out of nowhere, just air.
"I- I can become invisible." , she stuttered with her head down. Oh that's why she ran away. Wow! how familiar does that sound!
"Hmm, kid you just found yourself a new place to live." I exclaimed looking down at her.

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