The Council

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"Things have changed for me, and that's okay."

- Panic! At the Disco

The door opens to reveal an interesting scene. The room itself is large and ornate, but surprisingly modern. There's large bay windows that cover the majority of the deep red walls. The crown molding on the walls is a rich brown color. It looks like it might be cherry wood, but I'm not sure. I'm not some kind of wood specialist. The right wall is covered in shelves made of the same type of wood. The objects on the shelves are pretty odd, but they're all shiny, so that must mean they're important. The left wall is covered in...something shimmery? It kind of looks like a golden, glittery, sheer fabric. It's really weird, but I guess everything here is.

The real interesting part of the room is the people in it. In the center of the room is a glass table and four people are sitting around it. The most out of place character is a man with long blonde hair. He has a young, kind face, but he seems quite muscular. By "seems," I mean he is.  His loose navy blue shirt is so low cut that I can make out the great definition on his pecs. That must've taken some time in the gym. His eyes are icy blue which compliment his pale skin and his bone structure is top notch. He's definitely model-levels of hot, but with his hairstyle, he's definitely more of a European model.

Next to him sits a beautiful woman in a bright red bohemian dress. Despite her clothing being straight out of Coachella, she actually looks really professional. She seems to be a bit older than the blonde kid, but she can be older than her early 30s. To be fair, she's probably closer to her mid-20s. She looks better than I do, though, that's for sure. Her black hair is styled in a cute bob and not a hair is out of place. I would describe her as Asian, but I don't think that would be quite correct here. After all, she's not from Asia, or at least, Asia as I know it. At this point she might as well be from Fantasytownville.

To her right is the youngest looking member of the group; a blonde teenager. She has an innocent look in her eyes, which is rare for someone who can't be more than a couple of years younger than me. Maybe in Verden you don't learn how harsh life is till you're 18. Lucky her. She has that fresh-faced, natural beauty that other women would kill for. Her blonde hair is done up into a cute, messy french braid.  Her outfit seems the most fitting, but it still looks a little out of place. She's wearing what looks like a pastel blue, lacy, vintage dressing gown. Like all of the clothing here, it's loose and flowing with large trumpet sleeves and the sheer fabric its made of has more layers than a cake. Even though the dress looks like something my great-great-great grandma wore, it looks nice on her.  Somehow.

The last person at the table is actually sitting a seat or two away from everyone else and he looks...different. He looks less put together then everyone else. Instead of looking purposefully messy, he just looks...messy messy. His dark brown, almost black, hair falls over his eyes and face haphazardly. He seems somewhat lean, but his loose clothing somewhat obscures his figure. To be fair, his clothing isn't as flowing as everyone else's. He seems to be wearing a white button-down with some weird cuts and a gray and black cape over it. Unlike everyone else, he also looks pretty bored.

As Mikah and I enter the room, everyone looks up at us. Confusion flickers across their faces and the black haired woman says something that I can't understand. It's honestly getting a bit old at this point.

Mikah clears his throat and addresses everyone in the room. "I'm sure you all have a lot of questions, including why I'm not speaking in Vervic. I'll get to that in a moment, but first let me introduce Veta Sneva, daughter of Queen Thera Sneva." He says, gesturing to me.

"Hi, yes, that's me." I chime in with a meek wave.

Mikah interrupts me before I can say more. Annoying. "After Queen Thera had her affair-"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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