Your Average Everyday Queen

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Important Note

This is a work of fiction. Any views or opinions shared by characters in the story do not reflect my own. All people, places, and events in the story are fictional and any connections to  real life are purely coincidental.


Veta Killough is just like any other 17 year old girl. She goes to school, gets alright grades, and tries to coast by without causing too much trouble. That all changes when a mysterious man shows up at her door.

In one day, Veta goes from worrying about passing Geometry to worrying about how to rule over an entire world that she didn't know existed mere days before. Is being a queen too much for this high-school senior, or is this new life exactly what she needed?


First off, I want to thank you all for reading! This is my first wattpad story, so I'd love any feedback you guys can give! I also apologize if it's not very good or stupid or anything cuz I'm a new writer. I'm doing my best tho, so I hope you all enjoy!

Your Average Everyday QueenWhere stories live. Discover now