Chapter 2

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F/N and I were supposed to meet at this coffee shop that was around 40 minute walk from my home. I don't know how but surprisingly I arrived there in 10 or so minutes. I was impressed with myself.

When I entered the shop I spotted F/N and saw two cups already on the table. As I got closer I saw that one was full and the other one already half empty.

"Decided to finally show up huh, goblin?" they said sipping their hot chocolate.

"Sorry for being late F/N. I didn't hear my alarm I guess" I yawned putting my bag on the chair as I sat. I was still catching my breath since I basically sprinted here. After a moment I got my wallet out and asked:

"How much do I owe you?"

"What? Ow, no it's on me don't worry. Besides it's weird when you owe me something. Especially money" they laughed responding to me. "Besides it's always on me"

It has been a long time since we met up like this. This idiot who I called my best friend transferred schools suddenly at the end of the 1st term. It was a sudden decision but there wasn't much that we could do.

As we were catching up with each other's life we suddenly stumbled upon the soulmark topic.

"I'm still surprised that you haven't looked up the name yet. It has been a year. A lil more actually" they said "To be fair I thought your patience would have been out of the window in mater of a week or so. But I guess I was wrong"

"I'm surprised with myself as well. I thought I would have googled the name in matter of weeks at least. Look at me now, still standing by my word. Anyways enough about my mark when are you going to show your's, huh? Your's appeared when you were 11, right? So why don't you show me? I thought you loved me?" I whined at them, showing a puppy eye

"Of course I love you babe" they said sarcasticly "But we've been over this topic before. I just don't feel comfortable yet"

"Not comfortable yet?!" I gasped dramatically as I put my hand on my chest pretending to be offended "What do you MEAN you don't feel comfortable? Ugh, fine I give up" I sighed putting my hands in the air as a sign of defeat.

At the exact moment my phone vibrated, notifying that BTS has just applouded a new video. We both looked at each other, grinning stupidly and started the video.

Fangirling/fanboying wasn't something new to us, after all we've been in many fandoms. The problem was how hard we fangirled/fanboyed over something. Sure, it was something new but it was addicting.

"Look how CUTE Jimin looks! He's sooo adorable. I could just squish him with these" F/N squealed, showing pinching motions with their finger.

"We all know that he is cute BUT the golden eggroll wins this time. I mean look at him!" I said, pointing at Jungkook.

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

And like that we spent several hours at the shop without noticing how the time has passed. We just sat there talking, catching up, goofing out and just being together.

Finally deciding to leave we gathered our stuff. But suddenly my friend grabbed my arm and stopped me from standing up.

"I just remembered something really important. You know that I go to taekwondo and all, well guess what. You remember that I won gold at this big competition, right?" they asked grinning suspiciously. The only thing I could do was nod. "Well they gave me 2 tickets to go to Korea"

I was shocked. First of all how could someone forget something this important. Second of all how big was this competition. Third of all what?

"Well guess what. I'm bringing YOU to Korea with me! Yeeeeeeeeey!" they excitedly said while throwing their arm into the air.


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