Readying For Battle

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    Jeneasa, with Serana behind her, walked to Clearpine Pond, where the dragon was waiting for them to return. "Ahnok dii fahdon, los nii tiid wah lif," (Hello, my friend, is it time to leave?) she asked.

   "Geh," (Yes) Jeneasa replied.

   "Ruknaar au ahrk zu'u fen kun hei rigir." (Climb on my back and I will take you back.) Jeneasa motioned for the confused Nord to climb aboard, as she herself was climbing on. It took about two hours for them to get back to the fort. The fort was in dire condition; not even three fourths of the forces of what they left were alive. They landed in the clearing near the fort. Aela The Huntress approached them.              

   "Harbinger, glad to see you, were you successful in getting reinforcements?" she asked.

   "We got a lot more than what we intended."

   "Like what?"

   "We have our own army of the undead, a whole battalion of Legionaries, a friend of mine named Zarch; he's a very good archer, and a small group of Dunmer who owe me one. Coming with the battalion of legionaries is General Gerund Green."

   "Wow, that's more than enough. While you were gone, another attacked happened; we lost a Companion in the process, he was a new recruit from what was left of Riften."

   "Thank you, Aela, for all your help."

   "I'm never one to miss out on a vampire killing." Aela left to go get some rest. Then, the sky got dark and a shadowy figure landed in front of her.

   "Ahnok, Dovahkiin mu lost meyz wah fey," (Hello Dragonborn, we have come to help.) it said, as three others landed, among them was Ohdaviing.

    "It’s an elf, Fahdonpaalsivaas, it does not speak Dovah sahkren," said one of the others.

   "Zu'u tinvaak dovah sahkren," (I speak dragon tongue.) Jeneasa said to the rude dragon as the ground shook a bit.

   "Pogaan krod, Dovahkiin." (Many apologies, Dragonborn.)

   "Mu meyz het wah frey dovahkiin ni tinvaak wah ek," (We come here to help Dragonborn, not to talk with her.) the other said.

   "Stiild, Viingjulah," (Quiet, Viingjulah!) Fahdonpaalsivaas replied.

   "Nu svaangein kos stiid, dii fahdiin praag frey ahrk Paarthurnax fun hei pah wah frey," (Now everyone be quiet, my ally needs help and Paarthurnax told you all to help.) Ohdaviing replied to their fussing. "I speak in your tongue to help you. Now, tell me what you want us dov to do."

   "I need you to take position at the top of the fort and wait for the battle to begin, when it does, attack their backs to destroy their reinforcements until ours arrive," Jeneasa replied.

   "An excellent strategy, we Dov will follow orders when needed." The group of dragons flew off to the fort, awaiting the arrival of the enemy. Jeneasa still followed by Serana walked into the fort to talk to Gunmar.

   "Gunmar!" The Nord ran from his forge and met Jeneasa at the center of the main lobby.

   "Yes?" He asked.

   "I need you to make some armor for the werewolves for the battle, and we need more trolls."

   "I'll muster up all I can, but I need more metal for that kind of order."

   "What kind of metal?"

   "Any kind would do, possibly ebony if you can."

   "Here, I have a lot of ebony for my arrows; I'll spare at least thirty of the ingots I have and have all of my Dwarven ingots; I won't use them."

   "That would work nicely."

   "Good." Jeneasa went up stairs into one of the empty rooms and shut the door, locking it so no one would see her body. She got undressed starting with her hood and then working down to her boots. Of course she kept on her undergarments, but she was still as naked as the day. She quickly put on her Ebony Mail armor and reequipped her Nightingale armor, all but the chest armor that is.

   She exited the room only to be face to face with the Daedric Prince of Order. "Hello Jeneasa, Sheo (Sheogorath) told me so much about his champion," Jyggalag said.

   "And what would you want with me?" Jeneasa asked the Prince.

   "I want to help you win this battle; no elf should rule Skyrim. Though my help is direct, I will not have my Daedra fight, nor am I; I’m only helping with the battle strategy.  Are all of your forces here yet?"

   "No, I have a battalion of Legionaries, alongwith a cult from Morrowind."

   "That won't be enough."

   "What do you mean?"

   "I've seen the army; they out number you ten to one. You need more than a few dozen Imperials and a dozen Dunmer. Do you have any other allies?"

   "I have a tribe of Rieklings on Solstheim."

   "I shall bring them here. Where is their location?"

   "The Thrisk Mead Hall." "Thank you." The Daedric Lord snapped his fingers and in the basin, all of Jeneasa's tribe-kin showed.

   "Brelfik," one of them said looking to Jeneasa.

   "Someone wants chief dead, we stop them, follow chief to battle," Jeneasa said.

   "Bora! Bora! Bora!" They all chanted.

   "No fight, until I fight. You hear chief?" They all nodded and walked around talking in their language.

   "Not what I had in mind, but still, at least you have enough… bodies now," Jyggalag said before teleporting away.

   Jeneasa shrugged off his comment and went outside to prepare the cave that leads to the fort. Her hand was then enveloped by an ash cloud as she conjured two Ash Guardians. For summoning two Ash guardians, two of her Heart Stones were removed. She turned around and made her hand envelope a slight flame. Jeneasa released the rune onto the roof of the cave. The vampires will be pretty surprised at the defenses set up by Jeneasa. She then walked out of the cave and set bear traps in different places and covered most with dirt or covered them with leaves and grasses.

   Thinking that the new defenses were enough, she headed back to the fort to sharpen her Ebony Arrows and made the line on her bow stronger. Serana came into the fort to where Jeneasa was. "The reinforcements are here, time to get everyone outside to have a big pep talk before Genie gets here," she said.

   "Alright let's go." The two stepped outside to an army of legionaries, a small group of Dunmer, several of The Companions, what was left of the Dawnguard, and her small group of Rieklings. They were all yelling hooting and cheering on a battle cry. "Quiet!" The crowd grew silent.

   "My friends, allies, and brothers in arms, we are about to embark on a great battle, one that will judge the fate of Skyrim for years to come. I am not saying this will be easy; the enemy is well trained and well battle hardened, but this is not the time to give up, for this is the time of the Dawnguard and the time of all people who have died by the vampire menace. Not all of you will come back, but everyone here knew that risk and to help us. I have the favor of a Daedra, and that Daedra is Sheogorath. Now we will fight till the last man. For the Dawnguard!"

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