Announcing Teams (1)

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~A few years later~
No One's POV
A now 12 year old Sakura is sitting at the floor of a cherry blossom tree. Her hair swaying in the wind and face covered by her knees. A light soft snore could be heard coming from her. Next to her layed a white fox with a light tint of purple at the end of its ears and tail. Sakura had named the fox Winter because of its white coat and its resemblance to snow in winter. Sakura was now living in a peaceful village called Konoha. She had finally found a place to call home. But she had to keep her powers hidden because if she didn't she would be hunted down. She was living with her adoptive parents Mebuki and Kizashi (Just pretend, I know in the manga and anime they are her real parents). Her life was perfect for now...

Sakuras POV
I opened my eyes and looked around. Then I remembered something important. School! I quickly got to my feet, startling Winter. "Sorry but we have to go! Come" I told Winter and extended my arm towards her. She turned into a smaller version of herself and hopped into my palm. I then sprinted to school. I wasn't going to be late today. For today they were announcing teams. After a while of running I arrived at school in time. I sat down in my sit and opened my hand. Winter than hopped out. In this state no one could see her except me.

~Time Skip because I'm lazy~
Why did I have to be on a team with Naruto and Sasuke. I mean there is nothing wrong with Naruto but Sasuke on the other hand. Why!? I have been pretending to be a fangirl of his and it was getting annoying. I don't wanna continue this anymore. Plus our sensei was late. I knew this was going to be a long day.  Naruto being who he is decided to play a prank on our sensei. I was kinda suprised that it actually worked. Kind of. Our sensei than told us to meet him at he roof. I decided to take the easy way and just teleport. Good thing our sensei didn't see or I would be questioned. When the boys arrived I pretended that I was behind them and made it seem like I just walked up. Once we sat down we had to introduce ourselves, I let out a small sigh when it was my turn and fangirl mode started.

~Time Skip after the bell challenge~
After our small test Kakashi-sensei pulled me aside and told me to stop being a ninja. That I wasn't cut out for this, that it was to dangerous for me. That I was to weak and that he was worried I'll never improve. Here I was thinking that he was going to praise me but instead he insults me. We'll see who is to weak. I'll show you. I'll become stronger just you wait...

Sorry if I upload late, I'll add a picture when I finish drawing them... sorry again >_<
Edit: I decided to make her face based on a little girl I saw at the store. She had a round face and cute pink cheeks

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