All my problems went away, along with the blood gushing scenes. I turned to face him and look into his eyes. I could tell that he was hoping I would say I didn't mind. "I don't mind," I managed to choke out, remembering to breath. And his lips laid gently but passionately on mind.

They felt like the softness of cotton. At first, we were kissing carefully, but then I couldn't resist him any longer. I started kissing him with more determination. He gently laid me down on the couch while never letting our lips part. His left hand leaving it's previous spot on my cheek and slidding softly down the right side of my body.

I, against everything in my body, pulled away. "I guess we just ruined our whole 'friends' image, huh?" I joked while trying to catch my breathe. It was by far the best kiss I've ever had, and I could tell he felt the same, because he looked speechless when I pulled away.

"Oh well. No one believed that anyway," he joked. Through the rest of the night, we didn't talk, but our lips kept in motion.

The next morning was just as bright and shiney as it was yesterday. I woke up in James' bed, the warmth of the covers made me want to stay there forever, until I realized what day it was and we were suppose to be at school. I hopped out of bed and quickly ran to find James. He was sound asleep on the couch, where I last remembered being.

I shook him awake while noticing the clock. "What?" He mumbled curiously from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, they followed my finger as it pointed at the clock.

As soon as he noticed the time, he jumped up and headed towards the bathroom. "Wait," I yelled at him to stopped, "I have to go home and get ready, too." He throw me his keys to his grayish black 2009 Cadillac. "Are you serious?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, I'll just drive my dad's car. He won't mind," he said.

"But then they'll know that I spent the night."

"" He implored under a chuckled .

"But won't they be upset?"

"Why? It's my house, remember?" he reminded me. I headed out the door, when I felt him grab my hand to stop me. He turned me around and kissed my lips. Once I was in his car, I took off towards my house. Yvette's car was already gone, and mine was still in the driveway, untouched. I rushed in the house and headed upstairs to my room. I grabbed a fancy red blouse and a pair of skinny jeans.

Once I was done showering, I put on some red stilettos. I decided to drive my own car to school because people at school don't know that James and I are an item now, and me driving his car would bring up gossip. When I arrived at school, I was surprised to see it was still first period.

When I walked in Mr. Hart's class, he greeted me, as always, "Miss Turner, I'm glad to see you could make it!" I looked around to see that James was already in his seat. He was talking with his friends when I entered and didn't notice me when I came in. But when Mr. Hart acknowledged my presence, he looked at me and started grinning that winning smile I've always adored.

"Sorry I'm late," I apologized while looking back at James. First period came and left. The only thing I remember is James and I working on yet another project given to us by Mr. Hart. I had a feeling that people were beginning to realize how close James and I were becoming, because everyone kept glancing continiously at us.

Some of the girls were even giving me snotty looks, like I stole something from them. I noticed one girl out of them all, I recognized her from the the first day. She was the one who had her purse in the chair so I couldn't sit infront of her. I think her name is Porsha, at least that's what I heard people call her.

She was the main one who looked at me wit disgust. James didn't seem to notice, he was to busy watching me. Second period wasn't any better. Yvette was already in her seat when I sat in mine. I could tell she wanted to interrogate me with her questions, but she knew that doing so, would make me do the same.

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