m o z a r e l l a

552 47 22

jeongguk contemplates stabbing himself in the eye as he stands at the footsteps of the diner the next day, and the next day, and the one following that.

and the numerous days that follow.

and each day, there is the same blob of red hair with different parting's and hair styles waiting patiently for him with some sickening desert and a somehow well tasting drink.

and each day, they sit at the dirtiest table, with jeongguk complaining about the red head's lack of good waiter skills and he gets a cheeky 'i know' as a response each time.

each time jeongguk steps into that little diner, he feels as if he's been transported into a whole another town, or civilisation even.

with the weeping men and drunk ramblings, rusty handles and flickering neon lights.

not to mention the delicious snacks and outstanding taste in music.

jeongguk may be happy, or even proud, because for once he doesn't have to worry about the red haired man finding his friends' cooler than him.
or about them drifting apart or awkward confrontations.

or any of the typical drama two newly forming friends' go through.

that's because, there wasn't anything that could potentially make them uncomfortable.
no mutual friends', not the same universities. hell, a month or two ago, they didn't even know the other existed.

they know everything yet next to nothing about each other.

jeongguk knows that the other hates a certain jae sooyoung because that bitch is n a s t y, but he is yet to know the others' name.

he knows that the red haired man likes to trace his fingers along jeongguk's knuckles when he's slightly stressed, but jeongguk is yet to get a glimpse of what he is stressed about.

there are these little things that -as cliché as it sounds- make them as good as strangers, but as close as two pea's in a pod at the same time.

jeongguk has the outline of taehyung's visage memorised, he can probably mirror it on a piece of paper. but he can't even begin to draw the endless pit of emotions that the others' eyes become ever so often.

he knows that taehyung is happy, but he doesn't know whether he is sad.

jeongguk lets the vastness of probabilities toy with his mind.

jeongguk is well acquainted with the way taehyung acts in different situations, but those are all limited to interactions with rude customers, little girls wanting cake, and jeongguk insulting him for his lack of passion in his job. and the lot. the truth comes to down to the fact that they still, may just be as good as strangers'.

and jeongguk finds that somehow, for some reason, that is all that has been on his mind. confusion as to how he manages to get along with someone he barely knows. considering his shy and rather introverted personality, it was quite a shocker when he realised that he had made a 'friend' without realising
perhaps, this is why he has been so... out of it, so focused on just a particular thing lately.

surprisingly, the intense focus on just one particular object makes his shots repetitive, which is great since he has been scoring various three pointers these past few sessions.

it would be a shame if he would be unable to do the same in his match, and yoongi would definitely beat his ass for it.

that stresses him out immensely, because with the last game of the season brings lot's of spectators and jeongguk does not want to mess up his shot of getting himself a good review in his resumé from a few high classed, learned men.

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