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third person

jeongguk feels positively revolted when he finds himself standing at the entrance of the same shitty diner once again.

what is it called anyways?

he likes to blame it on the cheap prices and soothing music playing in the shop, along with the alone time he got there.

really though, he couldn't care less about the price, the music makes his ears bleed, and he doubts that the red haired man will let him sit isolated (you didn't hear it from me, but i've heard that jeongguk enjoyed the presence of that certain someone when he had come the last time.).

he dreads heading back in, into the stupid, LSD inducing diner, but he does it anyways.

the place looks the exact same, if not dirtier. or maybe that's just his imagination, since he came here only yesterday.

still, the same blurry faces sit behind sad food with different stories but similar genres. for some reason, the consistency made the place feel like some area of belonging.

he briefly lets his thoughts wander, thinking whether the same waiter would be present, or will it be someone else this time.

although his thinking his brought to an abrupt stop once he spots a certain man kneeling besides a customer who's sitting at a table.

he strains his ears to listen.

"- no, woonbin, that is illegal, you cannot jack off to- yes, i know he's hot- the fuck? woonbin, matey, listen buddy, you-" jeongguk tunes out, immediately regretting listening to any of that, and he shudders, happy to not know who woonbin wanted to jack off to.

this time, the music is a bad mixture of edm and r&b, which jeongguk didn't even know was possible to combine.

personally, he thinks he had just come out to have a good time but he does indeed feel very attacked.

even more so when-

"i see you're back." the red head says, wiggling his eyebrows at jeongguk.
jeongguk rolls his eyes, but is still a little taken aback when he notices the little bandana holding back the red head's hair.
jeongguk realises that taehyung could probably become a male eyebrow model.

he doesn't know why he thinks so, but he does.

and apparently, his voice does too, because the next thing you know, he says exactly that.

"really? you think i could work that? although i'm not sure the pay will be very high... but i mean, anything's better than this shit hole, no?" jeongguk snorts, because of course a model would get paid better than a stupid diner waiter, even an eyebrow model.

"i'm not sure whether a job like that exists though..." jeongguk mutters, scratching the back of neck, suddenly intrigued whether such a thing like eyebrow models did exist.

"that would be sick, though. imagine showing up on the Late Late Show, and just, sitting there with people who admire you for your goddamn eyebrows. that would be freaky as hell." the elder snickers, hands subconsciously going to stroke his eyebrows.

jeongguk looks the other up and down, observing that he wore loose black pants along with too big of a jumper and his pink-ish bandana. somehow, he managed to pull it off with the insanely worn down apron.

how does he still end up looking so attractive?

the elder seemed to have gone on a tangent about his eyebrow care routine when jeongguk returns back to his senses.

cheapskate || k.th x j.jkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz