"Up, up," Clark says as Kara finishes, "and away."

Kara and Clark fly to the location, Oliver following behind them on a motorbike. As soon as they get there Clark's eyes narrow. "That's who I've been trying to catch for months."

A strange symbol was burned into the sides of 3 of the buildings.

"What?" Kara yells and she is thrown back by a green beam.

"Supergirl!" Clark yells when he sees Kara fly back and slam onto the ground.

Kara shakily gets up and replies, "I'm fine."

The person steps out of the shadows, a glowing green gun in hand, about to fire a beam at Clark before Kara shoves him out of the way, the Kryptonite beam smacking straight into her chest.

"Ahh," Kara screams as she smacks her head on the ground, her eyes losing focus as consciousness starts to bleed from her mind.

The man fires beam after beam at Kara, all connecting as her screams fill the small square.

A blue blur flies into her line of vision just as the man fires what would've been the final blow if not for Clark blocking it with his body.

Kara very faintly remembers when he did this for her when against Reactron and how she had gotten mad about him saving her. But now she wished she could find the strength to get up and protect him, but she couldn't as she watched him take hit after hit for her.

A green arrow flies overhead and smacks into the guys hand, making him drop the gun and flee.

Clark doubles over, panting before yelling at Oliver, "Make sure she's okay!"

Oliver nods and runs over and sets his bow on the ground. "Come on focus on me Kara."

Oliver cups her cheek as she looks up at him, her eyes glazed over. "Oliver?" Kara whispers.

"Yea Kara I'm here." Oliver says.

Sirens are then heard and Oliver picks Kara up, making sure not to hurt her any further.

"Oh my gosh," Alex gaped at the sight of her sister.

Oliver gently laid Kara down on the gurney that some agents had brought over, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before kissing her gently on the forehead.

"Oliver? Ma.. make sure Clark's okay," Kara whispers to Oliver.

"I will Kara I will."

Oliver helps the agents lift her into the ambulance and he heads back to check on Clark.

Clark wasn't breathing and when Oliver checked his pulse he didn't feel anything. "Alex! He's not breathing."

"What?" Alex says running over.

Alex signals some agents to attempt to get him breathing again. After many failed attempts they finally stop and say it's futile, that he's gone.

After hearing that Alex breaks down and Oliver pulls her into a hug. "Alex it's okay. He would want you to be strong for Kara."

Alex nods and pulls away out of his embrace, wiping the tears from off of her cheeks.

How were they supposed to tell Kara that her last blood relative had died for her.


Kara woke with a gasp, shooting straight up, then regretting it as she felt her whole body ache.

Oliver instantly put his hands on her shoulders and helped her lay back.

"Oliver where's Clark?" Kara asks, seeing the other bed empty.

Oliver said he would tell her that Clark was dead. "Kara he... he's gone."

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Kara asks.

"The kryptonite was to much for him and he passed away," Oliver said.

Kara's eyes instantly filled with tears as she listened carefully to what Oliver was saying.

Oliver wraps his arms around Kara as she breaks down, wrapping her arms around his waist as she cries into his chest.

"I failed my parents," Kara mumbles into his shirt.

"What?" Oliver asks.

"I failed them. I was supposed to protect him and I didn't."

"Kara this isn't your fault. He chose to protect you. He chose to give up his life so that you could live." Oliver says while pulling away and wiping her tears.


"Is it done?" A man's voice asks.

"Yes Superman is dead."

"I told you to kill both of them." The man said.

"I would've, but a green archer stopped me before I could kill the girl. But don't worry because I think this will be much worse for her."

The man grins wildly knowing that they had just broke the girl of steel.

I don't really have an author's note except for the name of my new story will be 'A love without fault'. Word count: 1284

I'm Sorry For Everything (SuperArrow fan story) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora