Chapter 4

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This part is going to be a little off from last chapter but that's because I summarized it and changed some words. My phone somehow unpublished chapters 3 and 4 so here's this one again.

"Kara! Kara you need to get out of there." Alex screamed in my ear but it was to late.

"No Alex I can't I'm already at the bomb and if I leave it will be to late." Kara replied.

Now on to the actual story

"Winn what do I need to do to disarm it?" Kara asked seeing the bombs timer at 5 minutes.

"Okay you need to open the top and grab the green wire." Winn said.

Kara then pulled off the top careful not to touch her arm on the kryptonite and located the green wire. "What now Winn?"

"So now you need to pull the green wire out of the socket and hold it against your palm for 10 seconds. This should cool down the wire." Winn explained.

Kara then ripped the green wire out of its socket, but when she pulled back her arm hit the kryptonite causing her to hiss in pain.

"Supergirl? Supergirl are you okay?" Winn asked seriously worried for his friend.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine I just hit my elbow on the kryptonite." Kara said trying to hide the pain from her voice. She then placed the wire in her palm and pressed down the wire causing an intense heat to shoot into her palm.

"What now Winn?" Kara said after holding the wire in her palm for the 10 seconds. The wire left a burn mark across her palm that was now bleeding.

"Okay now you need to switch the green and the blue wires. This should cause the circuits to malfunction which would result in an explosion, but that's why you placed the green wire in you palm it cooled it down so it wouldn't overhe..." "Winn!" "Okay sorry sorry just switch the blue and green wires and you should be good."

Kara then grabbed the blue wire and pulled one end of it out and switched it with the green. The timer then stopped ticking down the face read 3:08 plenty of time left. Kara thought to herself.

After Kara had disabled the bomb she turned around to see a strange type of alien. The alien did not look very strong but in her weakened state she couldn't take any chances.

"What do you want now?" Kara whispered to herself so the alien could not hear her.

"Kara Zor-el. I'm here to make you pay for your mother's sins." The alien said.

"Oh not another one of you guys." Supergirl said.

"Oh I'm not like the others I am much more than that." He then launched some sort of psychic attack.

Supergirl swayed on her feet whatever psychic attack it was it made her feel the effects of extreme vertigo. She had to lean on the wall of the alley for support.

After a minute or two this affect was gone. Supergirl saw the alien getting ready for another attack but she wouldn't let him get it off.

Supergirl tackled the alien to the ground punching him repeatedly in the face.

This went on for a few moments before the alien suddenly bucked his torso up knocking Supergirl off of him and on to her back a few feet away.

"Now it's my turn." The alien said as he got on top off her, he delivered a blow straight to her temple breaking her comm.

Supergirl cried out in pain, but she then saw him bring his arm back for another hit but she put her arms up in self defense, but the alien had seen this and changed course of his punch hitting her in the stomach full force rather than the head.

Supergirl let out an involuntary groan her hands moving away from her face and down to her sides, for just a second, but it was more than enough time for this alien to take advantage of that he pinned her arms to her sides and then went after her unprotected face. Giving her punch after punch all to the sides of her head.

Supergirl was not in a good place right now. Her right eye swollen shut, her left temple bleeding profusely, unable to protect herself she continued to be battered as the alien delivered blow after blow to her head. Pretty soon after he decided that the face wasn't enough and rotated between hitting her in the abdomen and the face.

After a few minutes of this torture the alien stopped. And that's when she felt his hands go around her neck.

Slowly seemingly enjoying what he was doing the alien began to squeeze.

Kara felt hands as tight as iron clamps start to squeeze her neck, she felt her airway shut she couldn't get any oxygen in or out.

Her vision darkened and red and green spots started to invade her vision. This was it this was how she was going to die.

Then Kara somehow found the energy and strength to arch her torso forcing the alien off of her and on to the ground. She then shot up.

This alien was harder than she expected. She didn't expect the kryptonite and psychic attack to affect her fighting this much. The hits he had gotten to the side and front of her head making her head pound and spots invade her vision didn't help either, but still that would not stop her. With one last hit the alien fell to the ground unconscious.

Kara swayed heavily before collapsing, the adrenaline wearing off. She would've hit the concrete if not for someone catching her. She then looked up through her blurry and dimmed vision to see two worry, filled, hard green eyes staring at her.

"Oliv... Oliver?" Kara whispered her strength failing her. She gently laid her head against his chest. "Yea Kara I'm here I'm here." He lightly soothed running a hand gently through her disheveled hair.

The next thing she knew was that she was being carried. Where am I? She thought to herself. She tried to turn her head to look around but was met with a sharp sudden pain in her head and she groaned. Stupid kryptonite.

"Hey hey it's okay." Oliver lightly said. "Don't move to quick you had a pretty nasty fight back there." Oliver added.

Kara obeyed and she just sat there with her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat it was fast and pounding. He was scared.

But that did not last long as the toll of the fight and the kryptonite finally caught up with her as the rest of the adrenaline wore off suddenly a wave of exhaustion hit her and she found herself fighting to stay awake.

She knew she was not going to win this battle so she let her eyelids droop closed. Right before she drifted off however she felt Oliver place a gentle kiss on her forehead and then she was out.

Okay so lot of action this chapter. This was my first real action scene and I hope I did a good job please comment and let me know how I did. Word count: 1203

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