Chapter 13

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Alex and Kara sat in the cell for what felt like forever. Alex had finally calmed Kara down and they were both sitting in the cell waiting and wondering what CADMUS was gonna do to them next.

Soon the door to the cell room opened and four guards walked in along with Oliver. The four men unlocked the door to the cell and two of them grab Alex while the other two grab Kara.

Kara cried out in pain as one of the men grabbed the wound on her shoulder, but he didn't let up, he actually started to press harder as they led her and Alex down the corridors.

They stopped in front of a door which Oliver proceeded to open, the four men pulling Alex and Kara in.

Inside the room there were two chains coming down from the ceiling, which the two men holding Kara proceeded to restrain her in.

Kara fought against the two men as they dragged her to the chains, but soon stopped when one of them dug his hand into her shoulder, instantly making her knees buckle from the pain.

After she was restrained Oliver then proceeded to grab his bow from off of the rack and draw back an arrow aiming it at Kara.

"Oliver please don't do this," Kara pleaded, tears brimming her eyes.

"I'm sorry Kara, but I don't have a choice," Oliver replies his eyes also filling with tears.

Right then Lillian walks in and says, "He's right he doesn't have a choice."

"Oliver don't listen to her you always have a choice. You can choose not to do this," Kara continues to plead.

Oliver's comm then crackles to life in his ear and he hears Winn' s voice say, "Okay they're now about 3 minutes out from your location."

Of course he was the only person to hear it, but he knew he had to distract Lillian somehow so she wouldn't raise the alarm so he releases the arrow.

The arrow spun in air, but this wasn't a normal arrow it was a trick arrow who's head spread open in a flower type pattern, that when it hit it's target it would act as a dart and release whatever it was holding inside each individual points.

The tip of each of the points had a thin line of kryptonite in it which would poison her on its own, Lillian's idea as to kill Kara quicker as she already knew the liquid inside would do the job, she just wanted to make sure.

The arrow hit Kara straight in the stomach just below her rib cage on the right side. Each point releasing whatever it was holding into her bloodstream as it made contact. Along with the kryptonite poisoning her.

Kara moaned in pain as the world started to fade for the umpteenth time and she started laying onto the chains to hold her up even more, her shoulder screaming in pain as the effort sent a wave of agony through her.

Soon the pain seemed to dull, but was still present as she let the chains hold her entire body weight up. Not having the energy to even attempt to stand.

"Okay they are in position," Winn says through the comm once again.

Oliver quickly drew another arrow and aimed it at Lillian, the other four guards doing the same as they had all been undercover DEO agents waiting for his signal.

Lillian couldn't believe what she was seeing, first off the arrow she had designed hadn't actually killed Kara it had just weakened her, She now had 5 weapons pointed at her, and she had no way to alert her guards.

Alex ran over to Kara who lay limp on the chains, but was still conscious, "Kara," Alex breathes out once she sees her sisters head raise a little at the sound of her approach.

I'm Sorry For Everything (SuperArrow fan story) [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora