Chapter 8

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The day was busy as usual, Kara had stopped three robberies, put out a couple of fires, and stopped two rogue aliens. She deserved a break.

But as fate would have it she had to work that day and not as Supergirl, but as Kara Danvers.


Kara was currently writing an article on the alien attack she had stopped earlier that day, when suddenly her phone chimed and she saw a message from Oliver

Oliver: Hey you wanna get lunch I'm open today and you deserve a break?

Kara: When are you not open?

Oliver: That is true, but would you give me the pleasure of taking you out to lunch?

Kara: Sure meet me at Catco in 20 minutes.

Oliver: Great see you then.

Kara: See you.

Kara set her phone down and continued to write her article, finishing in about ten minutes.

Lena then popped her head into her office, knocking on the door frame. Kara motioned for her to come in which seemed pointless as Kara worked for her.

"Hey how's the article coming?" Lena asked knowing that James had assigned her a new article to write.

"Good I just finished it and was about to head out," Kara says.

"Okay well make sure you leave it on James' desk before you go," Lena says.

"Will do," Kara says as Lena leaves the office.

In the hallway Oliver notices Lena leaving Kara's office and decides to ask Kara who it was, "Hey who was that who just left your office?"

"Oh that was just my friend Lena, she likes to make sure I'm finishing my articles," Kara replies.

"Well it's great to have friends like that, but anyways are you ready to go," Oliver says extending his arm.

Kara smiles and nods while taking his arm.


Once Kara and Oliver got to the restaurant they sat down at a table near the back and began to talk.

"So what's been happening on Earth 1?" Kara asks Oliver.

"Well you know about the Nazis," Oliver says.

"Well who can forget about that?" Kara asks jokingly.

"Yea well besides that I just recently got divorced with Felicity," Oliver says looking down.

"I'm sorry to hear that. If you don't mind my asking, but what happened?" Kara said grabbing his hand.

"We just weren't the right match. I mean we got married after the Nazis attacked. But after about a month I realized it just wasn't the same feeling. I had always wanted us to get married, but after we did get married I felt that it was the wrong choice. And After we got transported to Earth X I was more worried for your safety then for mine. And I realized I never felt that way about Felicity. I didn't even really think about her during that whole thing," Oliver says as Kara listens closely.

"Yea well you've already met Mon el, but I just learned that he's married to someone else," Kara said, "I also never told you this, but thank you for what you said to him."

"Of course," Oliver says while smiling at her.


After the two finished lunch Oliver and Kara decided to go to Kara's apartment since Oliver hadn't seen it yet.

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